Konnichiwa Anne - Before Green Gables 5


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Release Date December 22, 2009
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Product Details

Catalog No.BCBA-3551
JAN/ISBN 4934569635518
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorBANDAI NAMCO Arts Inc.
Color Color
Running Time 72minutes
Original Release Year 2009
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/single-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 Vista
Region 2
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital Stereo


[Machine Translation] The World Masterpiece Theater's latest production! Anne of Green Gables" is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its original publication and the 30th anniversary of its TV animation broadcast! Anne Shirley", the world's most famous red-haired girl, grows up in a difficult environment, but she grows up in a positive and cheerful way. Based on the story by Budge Wilson, a famous Canadian author of children's literature, who was commissioned by the Montgomery Foundation to write the story to commemorate the 100th anniversary of "Anne of Green Gables". The story is a sequel to the story of Anne's life for 11 years before she met Mashou and Marilla, told in a powerful style. The story depicts the origin of Anne Shirley, a young girl with a positive outlook and abundant emotions who, despite the harsh life of poverty and labor under her foster parents, uses her unparalleled imagination to live without losing hope. The animated version follows the popular storytelling of the previous film, while creating a new world of Anne with the staff and cast. Includes episodes 13 to 15.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

こんにちは アン~Before Green Gables 5 / アニメ

世界名作劇場 最新作!! 「赤毛のアン」原作出版100周年&TVアニメ放送30周年記念作品!! 世界一有名な赤毛の女の子"アン・シャーリー"が苦しい環境の中でも、明るく前向きに成長していく物語「こんにちは アン~Before Green Gables」DVD第5巻リリース!! 原作は、カナダの著名な児童文学作家バッジ・ウィルソン(Budge Wilson)が、モンゴメリ財団から依頼され、「赤毛のアン」100周年を記念して執筆した物語。ストーリーは、アンがマシュウとマリラに出会う前の11年間の生い立ちを、力強い筆致で綴った続編。里親の元で貧さと労働に明け暮れる厳しい生活のなかで、そのたぐいまれな想像力を駆使して希望を失わずに生きる、常に前向きで豊かな感情溢れる少女アン・シャーリーの原点を描き出している。アニメーション化にあたっては、人気の高い前作の物語作りを踏襲した上で、スタッフ・キャストとともに新しいアンの世界を作り出している。第13話から第15話を収録。

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