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Zatoichi (English Subtitles)

Japanese Movie

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Release Date March 11, 2004
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First Press / External Bonus

First Press Detail bonus disc containing a making-of featurette, interviews, & more. No longer available
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Product Details

Catalog No.BCBJ-1811
JAN/ISBN 4934569618115
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorBANDAI NAMCO Arts Inc.
Color Color
Running Time 115minutes
Original Release Year 2003
Data Format DVD Video
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 LB Vista
Region 2
Subtitles English Japanese
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1ch Surround
Japanese Dolby Digital Surround


Takeshi Kitano's 11th film as a director is also his first Jidaigeki (period action film). It's humorous, ultra violent, and immensely more accessible to a general audience than his earlier films. Kitano himself stars as the title character, who is a blind masseur, a roving gambler and a master swordsman. More than a remake of a popular action series, Kitano reinvents the Japanese folk hero here. "Blond" hair aside, Takeshi's Zatoichi keeps his eyes closed all the time. In the older films, as played by Shintaro Katsu, Zatoichi kept his eyes open, showing the white of his eyes. Set in the early 19th century, the story takes place in a mountain town terrorized by the Ginzo gang where Zatoichi wanders into. Tension mounts as the swordsman crosses paths with the Ginzo family, leading to an incredible showdown. Tadanobu Asano (Gojoe, Party 7) plays the deadly Samurai Hattori, the Ginzo family's hired assassin. The film won several international film awards, including the "special director's award" at the 60th Venice Film Festival. Also available on VHS. English subtitles available only for the main feature.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: theatrical trailer(s), teaser(s), TV spot(s)

Translate Description

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Description in Japanese

座頭市 / 邦画

第60回ベネチア国際映画祭監督賞受賞、北野武監督/主演の最新作がDVDで登場!! 北野監督の11作目は初の時代劇にして最強のエンターテインメント!! オキテ破りの金髪の座頭市。ルールなし、講釈無用の離れ業で、誰も見たことのない時代劇を作り上げた!! 座頭市と対決する浪人・服部を浅野忠信、服部の妻・おしのを凛とした美しさで魅せた夏川結衣など、実力派若手陣に加え、大衆演劇のスター橘大五郎が妖艶な舞で色を添える。また、大楠道代、岸辺一徳、石倉三郎、榎本明などのベテラン勢が脇を固めて重厚感を出している。また、この作品をよりエンターテイメント性の高いものとする、非常に重要な要素のひとつとなる音楽を担当したのはムーンライダーズの鈴木慶一。そしてなんと言っても、北野監督のタップの師でもあるHIDEBOH率いる若手タップダンサーチーム"THE STRIPES"によるラストのタップシーンは圧巻!! 着物と下駄で躍動感溢れる終盤の見せ場を演出している。時代劇の枠を超えた超話題作!!

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    Customer Reviews

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    A New Zatoichi 4

    This is different of older Zatoichi movies star Shintaro Katsu, I like both however, is strange see Zatoichi have light hair close eyes too, but Takeshi Kanto is good of role, I recommend it at all Zatoichi fans.

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    Hilarious! 5

    This movie has many little things to laugh about if you take the time to look closely. It's funny, serious, and overly bloody. But the climax fight is a little of a let down. All in all, it's an enjoyable film by Mr. Takeshi Kitano.

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    Good stuff from Takeshi san 4

    It's definitely a very drastic remake of the classic Zatoichis... worth the watch especially Kitano's blond Zatoichi. Lots of dry humour and interesting action. The last scene is a must watch!

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