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Takeshis' (English Subtitles)

Japanese Movie

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Release Date April 07, 2006
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Product Details

Catalog No.BCBJ-2450
JAN/ISBN 4934569624505
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorBANDAI NAMCO Arts Inc.
Color Color
Running Time 107minutes
Original Release Year 2005
Data Format DVD Video
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 Vista
Region 2
Subtitles English Japanese
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1ch Surround


Latest film from director (Beat) Takeshi Kitano! 100% pure, 200% Takeshi, 500% sensational, "Takeshi's" was nominated for the 62 Annual Venis Film Awards . . . And now it's coming to DVD. "Takeshi's" tells the story of two Takeshis, and the way they come together. Most actors in the film perform at least two roles, with some of the greatest, most seriously famous names in the Japanese actor's world performing some of the oddest, straight-out-of-a-manga roles you've ever seen. Stars the regular Team Kitano favorites, plus Kotomi Kyono and Akihiro Miwa. Also includes work from the tap dance unit The Stripes (from "Zatoichi") and scratch disc jockey DJ Hanger. Includes English subtitles.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: Making-of footage, director's interview, and more (totally roughly 30 minutes)

Translate Description

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Description in Japanese


北野武監督最新作! 不純物ゼロ、500%の体感 "TAKESHI" 映画、DVD緊急発売決定!! 第62回ベネチア国際映画祭コンペティション部門正式出品作品。「その男、凶暴につき」(89年)で衝撃の監督デビューを飾った北野監督は、毎作品独自の映像スタイルによって世界的に熱狂的なファンを獲得。世界各国から賞賛を得た「座頭市」から2年。新境地に挑んだ「TAKESHIS'」では、"たけし" が「たけし」と「武」を演じて「TAKESHIS'」に出会う物語。北野監督が10年以上温めてきた企画を自ら演じ、ついに具現化!! 出演者のほぼ全員が2役以上をこなすという難しい演技に挑戦。日本映画界の第一線で活躍する名優たちがリアルな演技を要求される役から漫画のようなユニークなキャラクターを演じる。北野組常連に加え、女優として新境地を開拓した京野ことみや、自身の歌も披露した美輪明宏の怪演も見所。また「座頭市」での「下駄タップ」で一躍有名となったタップダンス・ユニットのザ・ストライプスやスクラッチの名手DJ HANGERなど、個性豊かな才能にも注目が集まる。

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    Customer Reviews

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    Taskeshi!!! 5

    Being a Takeshi fan I had to get this. The story was great and the visuals were awesome. Great music also. Some action and minor sex scenes in the movie.

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    An OK Movie... But I expected more... 4

    As for the plot, the previous reviewers have already said everything. For the film itself, I am not quite sure. It's just OK in my opinion, not nearly as memorable as "Brother" or "Zatoichi", for example. I might say it's a good film, but something that doesn't make me explode with excitement in the end. The storyline gets indeed a bit hard to follow at times, but it's got some excellent scenes and funny, hilarious moments. The characters are brilliantly played - all of them, of course. The 2 Takeshis could not be more different, yet physically identical. Kitano the clerk is a bit of a sad character. He looks sort of "dettached", and melancholy at times, like someone who needs a hug! And compulsively obsessed with his idol, Beat Takeshi. The references to his previous films are very good. It's very entertaining to look at these scenes and recognise the allusions to his other works, such as "Hana-bi", "Kikujiro" and so on. If you are a Kitano's fan, this is a must-have, even though you might be expecting a bit more and be perhaps slightly disappointed. Even if I am not entirely convinced yet, I am glad to have purchased it, since I love the man! :)

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    A surreal comedy from Takeshi Kitano 4

    Zatoichi was allways going to be a tough act to follow, Beat Takeshi returns with his wildly surreal "Takeshis'", in which Beat Takeshi (played by Takeshi) meets a man who strangely resembles himself (also played by Takeshi), he then proceeds to dream about what his lookalike's life is really like, tieing in people he knows into his dream, it may be somewhat bewildering but its a hilarious film in which Beat Takeshi pokes fun at himself, his stereotypical yakuza character and what the public believe him to be.

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