Ride Kamens The Stage
Theatrical Play

Ride Kamens The Stage

Theatrical Play

(10780yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date September 10, 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships by the release date
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Product Details

Catalog No.BSTD-21021
JAN/ISBN 4988101230532
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Label/DistributorToei video
Color Color
Original Release Year 2025
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9
Region free
Audio Track Japanese Linear PCM Stereo


[Machine Translation] The application game "Ride Kamens" for smartphones, which started service in May 2024, is based on the theme of "Masked Rider" and features an original worldview, a large scenario with characters, and a cast of splendid voice actors. The stage of this remarkable production will be released on Blu-ray! This work is written by Yuya Takahashi, who was in charge of worldview construction and main scenario in "Ride Kamens" and has written many scripts for the recent "Kamen Rider" series such as "Kamen Rider Geets" and "Kamen Rider Zero One", and is scheduled to appear on the stage "Kamen Rider Zangetsu" - Gaiden of Armor Takeshi in 2019. -The stage will be directed by Nobuhiro Mori (Shonen Shachu), who wrote the first theatrical adaptation of the "MASKED RIDER" series with "MASKED RIDER ZANGETSU" in 2019, and is himself involved in many of the "MASKED RIDER" series' scripts, including "MASKED RIDER REVISION". The production will consist of two parts: an original stage story and a live performance at a masked cafe. The powerful action and "transformation" will unfold before your eyes. The live music performance will be full of highlights, including newly written songs and dance performances. A new "MASKED RIDER" entertainment is born at the theater! The world view of the "Ride Kamens" world will expand beyond the framework of the app game! Enjoy the new "MASKED RIDER" series entertainment work! --The city "Rainbow Face City", where nature and civilization are in harmony. Chaosism, an evil secret society, is active in the dark over the "Chaostone," a stone with mysterious powers scattered throughout the city. Saigo Enchigami (Tsubasa Kizu) and his friends are training as 5th year students at the Rider Academy, a facility for training riders that is completely isolated from the outside world, when they learn during their graduation exams that the academy is being run by Chaosism and attempt to escape. Saigo eventually awakens as a "masked rider" in the midst of battle. Together with Iori Youma (Yamano Hikaru), Fukamizu Shion (Shinsho Shun), and Gamo Jigen (Nakanishi Tomoya), who also became masked riders, they make a "peace contract" and form the class "Justice Slide". A new battle of the Masked Riders is about to begin...!
Special Feature / Bonus Track: curtain call footage (subject to change)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

ライドカメンズ The STAGE / 舞台

2024年5月にサービスを開始したスマートフォン向けアプリゲーム「ライドカメンズ」『仮面ライダー』をテーマとしたオリジナル世界観・キャラクターによる大ボリュームのシナリオや豪華声優陣が話題となっており、さらなる盛り上がりを見せること間違いなしの注目作の舞台がBlu-rayで発売決定! 本作は「ライドカメンズ」で世界観構築・メインシナリオを担当し、「仮面ライダーギーツ」、「仮面ライダーゼロワン」など近年の『仮面ライダー』シリーズの脚本を多数手掛ける高橋悠也が脚本を、2019年に舞台「仮面ライダー斬月」‐鎧武外伝‐で『仮面ライダー』シリーズ初の演劇化を手掛け、自身も「仮面ライダーリバイス」など、『仮面ライダー』シリーズの多くに脚本で携わる毛利亘宏 (少年社中)が演出を務める。舞台オリジナルストーリーと、仮面カフェでのライブパートの二部構成。目の前で繰り広げられる大迫力のアクションと"変身"。書き下ろしの新曲やダンスパフォーマンス等見どころ満載の音楽ライブ! 新たなる「仮面ライダー」エンターテインメントが劇場で誕生!! アプリゲームの枠組みを超え、さらに広がっていく「ライドカメンズ」ワールドの世界観! 新たに生まれる『仮面ライダー』シリーズのエンターテインメント作品をお楽しみあれ! ──自然と文明が調和した都市、『虹顔市』。この街に散らばった、不思議な力を持つ石『カオストーン』を巡って、悪の秘密結社『カオスイズム』が暗躍していた。外界とは完全に隔離された、ライダーを育成するための施設『ライダーアカデミー』。5期生として日々訓練に励んでいた魅上才悟 (木津つばさ)たちは、卒業試験の最中、このアカデミーこそが、カオスイズムによって運営されているものだったと知り、脱走を試みる。やがて才悟は、戦いの中で『仮面ライダー』として覚醒。同じく仮面ライダーとなった、伊織陽真 (山野光)、深水紫苑 (新正俊)、蒲生慈玄 (中西智也)とともに「平和の契約」を交わし、クラス「ジャスティスライド」を結成する。仮面ライダーたちの新たな戦いがいま、始まろうとしていた──!
映像特典: 大千穐楽カーテンコール (予定)

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