Sasurai Keiji Ryojo Hen 6 Collector's DVD
Japanese TV Series

Sasurai Keiji Ryojo Hen 6 Collector's DVD

Japanese TV Series

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Release Date March 12, 2025
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Product Details

Catalog No.DSZS-10307
JAN/ISBN 4988101230068
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 5
Label/DistributorToei video
Color Color
Running Time 1180minutes
Original Release Year 1993-1994
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 4:3
Region 2
Audio Track Japanese Monaural


[Machine Translation] Wandering Detective Travels" is a detective drama series that was broadcast from October 1988 to March 1995 as the seventh series on the TV Asahi network, in which the detectives of the Tokyo Branch of the Railway Police Force, located in the Marunouchi Station Building of Tokyo Station, are active. The story was filled with humanistic elements, and it excited the viewers as the detectives of the branch station, including Captain Takasugi (played by Ken Utsui) and Detective Katori (played by Yoichi Miura), took on cases involving railroads. The show also attracted many railroad fans with the appearance of many beloved but no longer running trains and popular trains of the time. This time, the sixth season of "Wandering Detective Traveling Around" is being released as a software package for the first time! This edition includes all 24 episodes of the sixth season (specials, episodes 1 to 23), broadcast from October 1993 to March 1994. The special is the only one of the series that was filmed overseas. Masaru Hayami, Norimasa Tomiya, and Yumiko Fujita appear in this series. Booklet enclosed (planned).

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

さすらい刑事旅情編 VI コレクターズDVD / TVドラマ

『さすらい刑事旅情編』は、東京駅丸の内駅舎にある鉄道警察隊東京分駐所の刑事たちが活躍する物語で、1988年10月~1995年3月、テレビ朝日系列にて第7シリーズまで放送された刑事ドラマ。宇津井健扮する高杉警部、三浦洋一扮する香取刑事ら、分駐所の刑事たちが鉄道絡みの事件に挑む中、人情味あふれるストーリーを盛り込み、お茶の間を沸かせた。さらに、愛されつつも今は走っていない鉄道車両や当時の人気車両も多数登場し、多くの鉄道ファンをも魅了した。今回は、『さすらい刑事旅情編』の第6シーズンを初ソフト化! 1993年10月~1994年3月に放送された第6シーズンの全24話 (スペシャル、第1話~第23話) を収録。スペシャルはシリーズ唯一の海外ロケ作品。本シリーズより早見優、冨家規政、藤田弓子が出演している。ブックレット封入(予定)。

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