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PlayStation 5 First Press External Bonus

Shin Sangoku Muso Origins [Regular Edition]


(9680yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date January 17, 2025
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First Press / External Bonus

External Bonus a postcard featuring cover artwork (50mm x 50mm)
bonus image sample 1

Product Details

Catalog No.ELJM-30583
JAN/ISBN 4988615193194
Product Type PlayStation 5
Label/DistributorKoei Techmo Games

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] A nameless hero rises in a turbulent world. --In the 6th year of the Kouwa Era (183 AD), people were starving and helplessly dying due to drought, extreme weather, and repeated famines. The government did nothing to help the people, but instead imposed heavy taxes and embezzled money to the detriment of the people. The hero stops by a village and meets a "long-haired man" who offers a helping hand to the needy and a "bearded stalwart" who stands up to the government officials who oppress the people. Shin-Sangoku Musou" for a new era in which cooperation with your allies determines the outcome of the battle: A tension-filled battlefield where you are challenged by a huge army that stretches as far as the eye can see. How will you face the largest enemy in the history of the series? In addition to your own military prowess, you can enjoy the unique tactics of the "Shin-Sangoku Musou" series, in which you fight in tandem with your allies' armies. A new "Legend of the Three Kingdoms" from the perspective of the original protagonist: The "Legend of the Three Kingdoms" is set on the vast Chinese continent, where the beliefs of the heroes intersect with each other. This title newly depicts the charm of this magnificent world from the perspective of the original hero, the "Nameless Hero". The most realistic battlefield in the history of the series, with the largest number of soldiers in the world: enemy soldiers who attack in unison are extremely formidable, and you must not only fight your own troops, but sometimes you must march with your allies to clear a path. Once you have pushed up the front and are ready, you can charge into the enemy's hordes with your allies and experience a battlefield of unprecedented scale where thousands of soldiers collide. The magnificent "History of the Three Kingdoms" world is represented on a continental map, and players can choose which battlefields they will participate in. Players can choose which battlefield they wish to participate in. They can also interact with heroes and roam freely on their way to the next major battlefield. The main character of the game is a warriors' warrior who can fight alongside the heroes of the Legend of the Three Kingdoms. The player can use not only swords but also a variety of other weapons to wipe out swarms of enemies with exhilarating action. In addition, by meeting certain conditions, players can temporarily control the generals who march with them. The warlord, who is worthy of being called "Ikkitousen," will become the hero's reassuring ally with his overwhelming power. ( CERO Age rating: 12 years old and up )

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

真・三國無双 ORIGINS [通常版] / ゲーム

名もなき英雄、乱世に起つ。――時は光和六年(西暦183年)、干ばつと異常気象、度重なる飢饉により人々は飢え、なすすべなくその命を落としていく。この惨状に為政者たちは手を差し伸べることもなく、重税を課し、横領を重ね、民を苦しめていた。そんな中、とある里に立ち寄った主人公は、困窮する人々に救いの手を差し伸べる“長髪の男”と、人々を虐げる役人に立ち向かう“髯の偉丈夫”に出会う──■味方との連携が戦況を左右する、新時代の「真・三國無双」:見渡す限りの大軍団に挑む緊張感あふれる戦場を実現。シリーズ史上最大規模で押しよせる敵に、いかに立ち向かうか。自身の武力に加え、味方の軍と連動して戦う「真・三國無双」シリーズならではの戦術を楽しめます。■オリジナル主人公の視点で描く、新たな“三国志”:広大な中国大陸を舞台に、英傑たちの信念が交錯する「三国志」。本作ではこの壮大な世界の魅力を、オリジナル主人公である「名もなき英雄」の視点を通して、新たに描き出します。■シリーズ史上最多の兵士が入り乱れる、臨場感あふれる戦場:連携して襲い掛かってくる敵兵士は非常に手ごわく、自身の武だけではなく、時には味方とともに進軍し、道を切り開いていく必要があります。戦線を押し上げて準備を整えられれば、味方の軍勢と共に敵の大軍団へ突撃することができ、総勢数千人の兵士たちがぶつかり合う、かつてない大規模な戦場を体験できます。■自らの選択で歩む、壮大な“三国志”世界:壮大な三国志の世界を大陸地図で表現しており、どの戦場に参陣するかプレイヤーが選択することができます。また、次の大きな戦場へ向かう過程で、英傑たちと交流したり、自由に歩き回ったりすることができます。■無数の敵をなぎ倒す“一騎当千”の無双アクション:本作の主人公は、三国志の英傑たちとともに戦場に身を投じていきます。剣のみならず、さまざまな武器を使いこなし、群がる敵を爽快なアクションで一掃します。また、特定の条件を満たすことで、共に進軍する武将を一時的に操作できます。一騎当千と呼ぶにふさわしい無双の力を持つ武将は、その圧倒的な力で主人公の心強い味方となってくれます。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 12歳以上対象】


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