Nintendo Switch

Hanaemu Kare to & bloom [Regular Edition]


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Release Date August 08, 2024
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Product Details

Catalog No.HAC-P-BE8KA
JAN/ISBN 4589889290512
Product Type Nintendo Switch

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] The series of romantic situation voice dramas that can be enjoyed with episodes related to flowers, originally released by TEAM Entertainment in 2022, is now available on Nintendo Switch. The Switch version allows you to enjoy the story from the protagonist's point of view, and also includes many additional elements such as event stills, character expressions, and extra scenarios that will allow those who have enjoyed the voice drama to immerse themselves in the world even more. Beautiful illustrations by "Waiatto": Waiatto, who has designed and drawn many characters for Switch games as well as many female-oriented works, will be used to create beautiful and gorgeous visuals for this title. Not only the male characters but also the female characters are attractively drawn, and the female character (the main character) is highly favored by fans. A world full of "flowers" and "healing": Flowers, which are in great demand among women, and the daily need for "healing" are depicted in a modern flower store, creating a worldview that is easy to relate to and immersive. All flowers appearing in the game are registered in the "Flower Book" in the game. The game is a fun game to play, and you can enjoy the game even outside of the scenario. The scenario is written by Yuzu Asou and Uta Amamiya, both of whom have worked on numerous works for women. Based on a situation drama that specializes in depicting romance, the setting and scenario include romantic elements similar to those found in novels and movies, providing a sweet and sour world. ( CERO Age rating: To be determined )

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

花笑む彼と & bloom [通常版] / ゲーム

花が笑む程の、いとしい想いをアナタへ――2022年にティームエンタテインメントから発売された、花にまつわるエピソードとともに楽しむことができる恋愛シチュエーションボイスドラマシリーズがNintendo Switchに登場です。Switch版では主人公視点で物語を楽しめる他、イベントスチルやキャラクターの表情、おまけシナリオなどボイスドラマを楽しまれた方でも、より世界観に浸っていただける要素を多数追加した作品となります。■「わいあっと」が描く美麗イラスト:女性向け作品を多数手掛け、Switch用ゲームでも多くのキャラクターデザインや原画を担当している「わいあっと」を起用し、美麗で華やかなヴィジュアルが本作を彩ります。男性キャラだけでなく、女性キャラも魅力的に描かれ、ファンの方からも女性キャラ(主人公)に対する好感度が高いのが特徴です。■「花」と「癒し」に溢れた世界観:女性需要の大きい「花」と、日々求められる「癒し」を現代のフラワーショップを舞台に描くことで、親しみやすく没入感満載の世界観になっております。作中に登場する花は全てゲーム内の「フラワーブック」に登録されます。そこでは各キャラクターが花言葉や花の解説をしてくれますので、シナリオ以外でも楽しむことが出来ます。■「恋愛」と「甘さ」重視の物語:シナリオは女性向け作品を数多く手掛けてきた「浅生柚子」と「雨宮うた」を起用。恋愛を描くことに特化したシチュエーションドラマを原作とし、設定やシナリオにも小説や映画さながらの恋愛要素を含んでおり、甘酸っぱい世界を提供いたします。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 審査予定】

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