Nintendo Switch

Hebereke 2


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Release Date February 29, 2024
Availability Backorder:Usually ships in 2-4 weeks
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Product Details

Catalog No.HAC-P-BFQMA
JAN/ISBN 4907940690253
Product Type Nintendo Switch

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] The felt version of "Hebereke" has been revived in 2021 after 32 years! The first "Hebereke" was an action game released in 1991. The original "Hebereke" was an action game released in 1991, and "Hebereke 2", a full remake and a legitimate sequel to the original, is now available on Nintendo Switch! In this exploratory side-scrolling action game, the number of places you can go increases as you acquire new powers and friends. The unique worldview is maintained in the warmth of the handmade felted stages. Join fluffy Hebe, O-chan, Skeezaemon, and Jee-ni-Fu to protect the earth from the Utsujin invasion! / Lots of tricks to make your adventure more fun: Let's have a great adventure in a lovingly handmade world that deepens the more you play! ( There are roguelike elements! ) Except for certain areas, the terrain changes every time you enter a stage. ( There are roguelike elements! ) The terrain changes every time you enter a stage, except for certain areas. ( Get rid of the bad guys! ) Explore while throwing "pop-uns" to remove dirt scattered by Utsujin. ( Many familiar characters make appearances! ) Many familiar characters will color your adventures! You'll meet the mysterious and strange ones again. ( CERO Age rating: To be determined )

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

へべれけ2 / ゲーム

あの「へべれけ」がフェルトになって32年くらいの時を経て令和によみがえる!初代「へべれけ」は1991年に販売されたアクションゲームソフト。そのフルリメイクかつ正統続編となる「へべれけ2」が、Nintendo Switchで登場!探索型横スクロールアクションの本作は、新しい力や仲間を手に入れると行ける場所がどんどん増えていく。独特な世界観はそのままに、温かみあふれる手作りフェルト細工風のステージ。ふわふわになったへべ、おーちゃん、すけざえもん、ぢぇにふぁーと一緒にうつーじんの侵略から地球を守ろう!■冒険が楽しくなる仕掛けが満載:遊ぶほどに深まる、愛情たっぷりの手作り世界を大冒険しよう!【ローグライク要素あり!】特定のエリアを除き、入るたびに地形が変化するステージ。何度でも新鮮に探検が楽しめる。【ばっちいヤツを取り除け!】「ぽぷーん」を投げてうつーじんが撒き散らした汚れを取りながら探索しよう。【おなじみのキャラも多数登場!】冒険を彩る懐かしのキャラ達!不思議でへんてこなやつらにまた会える。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 審査予定】


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    Customer Reviews

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    Charming, sweet platformer 4

    This game is quite solid overall. Fantastic controls and gameplay, fun characters with charming dialogue, and beautiful presentation and music. The only issue I have with the game is that it only took me 6 hours or so to fully 100%. Despite the promising idea of having altered and challenges upon every visit of a stage, the said stages are limited in size and tasks. Resulting in a game whose gameplay loop is quite entertaining, but it just ends a bit too soon. Combined with the low difficulty (even on Hard), as well as the utter lack of additional modes or worthwhile features, and you have a game that just doesn't have much staying power, unfortunately. Despite that, however, I still find the game to be well made and fairly polished for what it sets out to do. If you are a fan of quirky games or simple low-stakes 2D platformers, this one might be right for you.

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