Nintendo Switch

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist [Regular Edition]


(4378yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date January 23, 2025
Availability Backorder:Usually ships in 2-4 weeks
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Product Details

Catalog No.HAC-P-BG6CA
JAN/ISBN 4595121489217
Product Type Nintendo Switch
Label/DistributorBinary Haze Interactive

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] A 2D action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by a "homunculus," a sad, runaway artificial life form -- a sequel to "ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights," which has sold 1.5 million copies worldwide thanks to the patronage of its many customers. This title is a sequel to "ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights", which sold 1.5 million copies worldwide. The story takes place several decades after the disaster of the Rain of Death in the previous title, "ENDER LILIES". It is an exploration 2D action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world ruined by the "Homunculus", a sad artificial life form that has gone out of control. What awaits humans and homunculi at the end of their journey of salvation? [The story takes place in the "Land of Smoke," a magical land that flourished due to the vast amount of magical resources lying underground. The artificial life "Homunculus" created as a result of its development was supposed to bring about a glorious future. However, the unholy smoke billowing up from the underground drove the homunculus insane, transforming it into a runaway monster. Lilac, a tuner with the power to save homunculus, awakens in a subterranean laboratory deep below and meets a homunculus who is greatly involved in the tragedy of this country. Lilac and the homunculus with whom she has formed a bond begin a journey through the vast land of smoke in search of her lost memories and the whereabouts of her beloved companions. This is a story of destruction and rebirth in a post-apocalyptic world decades after the Rain of Death. [Ender Magnolia" is a dark fantasy exploration 2D side-scrolling action RPG that travels through the dying "Land of Smoke" in search of the salvation of humans and homunculi. The setting is a magical land where magic and mechanical civilizations have developed and become stratified. The world is unique, beautiful, and cruel, with abandoned old cities, bloody laboratories, majestic magic academies, and huge factories. What awaits you on your journey are homunculi, who are supposed to help those who have fallen into madness. By fighting these fearsome foes and releasing their souls, they will join "Lilac". At the end of their arduous journey, will it be people or homunculus who can be saved? ......The music is composed by the music group "Mili", following the music of the previous title "Enderlily's". Please enjoy the world view of "Ender Magnolia" colored with ephemeral but fantastic music. (CERO age rating: 15 years old and older.)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist [通常版] / ゲーム

暴走する悲しき人工生命「ホムンクルス」によって滅びゆく終末世界を舞台にした探索型2DアクションRPG――多くのお客様からのご愛顧いただき、全世界150万本を達成した『ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights』の続編となるタイトルです。前作『エンダーリリーズ』で描かれた死の雨の災厄から数十年後の物語。暴走する悲しき人工生命体「ホムンクルス」によって滅びゆく終末世界を舞台にした探索型2DアクションRPGです。人とホムンクルス、救済の旅の果てに待ち受けるものとは。<物語>舞台は、地下に眠る膨大な魔力資源によって栄えた魔法大国「煙の国」。発展の末に生み出された人工生命「ホムンクルス」は輝かしい未来をもたらすはずだった。地下から吹き上がる穢れた煙はホムンクルスを狂わせ、暴走する怪物へと変貌した。ホムンクルスを救済する力を持つ調律師「ライラック」は、下層深くの地下の実験場で目覚めこの国の悲劇に大きく関わる一人の「ホムンクルス」と出会う。ライラックは契りを結んだホムンクルスと共に、失われた記憶と大切な仲間の行方を探して広大な煙の国での旅を始める。これは死の雨の災厄から数十年後の、終末の世界で描かれる破壊と再生の物語。<体験>『エンダーマグノリア』は滅びゆく「煙の国」を旅して、人とホムンクルスの救済を目指すダークファンタジーの探索型2D横スクロールアクションRPGです。舞台は、魔法と機械文明が発展して上に積み上がり階層化した魔法大国。捨てられた旧市街、血塗られた研究所、荘厳な魔術学院、巨大工場など独特かつ美しくも残酷な世界が広がっています。旅の先々で待ち受けるのは、狂気に落ちた人を助けるはずのホムンクルス達。恐るべき強敵達と戦い、魂を解放する事で彼らは「ライラック」の仲間になってくれます。苦難の旅の果てに救えるのは人か、ホムンクルスか……音楽は前作『エンダーリリーズ』に引き続き、音楽集団「Mili」が全楽曲を担当しています。儚くも幻想的な音楽で彩られた『エンダーマグノリア』の世界観をお楽しみください。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 15歳以上対象】


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