Nintendo Switch

Stella of The End [Regular Edition]


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Release Date December 05, 2024
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First Press / External Bonus

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Product Details

Catalog No.HAC-P-BKW7A
JAN/ISBN 4580206271214
Product Type Nintendo Switch

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] If you go beyond the sky, you can become human. The kinetic novel "The Last Stella" by Visual Arts' brand "Key" is now available on the Nintendo Switch! The scenario was written by Romeo Tanaka, a master of science fiction who has worked with "Key" since "Rewrite", and the visuals were created by the illustrator "SWAV", whose stylish designs shine. Set in the distant future when the earth is no longer a human world, the story follows the journey of a courier and a girl android. A sci-fi visual novel about a journey through a devastated world: In the future, the rapid growth of autonomous AI has led to the domination of the earth by a group of machines. Jude, a courier, receives a request to transport a girl android named Filia. Jude is fed up with Filia's naive behavior, but tries to fulfill the request by passing through the danger zone where looters and killing machines roam around. Philia says she wants to go to a place where she can be human. What awaits her at the end of her journey can be found at ...... / Text is available in three languages! Full Japanese voice! The text is available in three languages: Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese (voice is in Japanese only). The preferences and digital manual are also available in 3 languages, and you can quickly switch between languages at any time during play by pressing the "-" button or tapping with two fingers. All characters, including the main character, are fully voiced. The story is told by talented voice actors such as Mariya Sashide, Ryohei Kimura, Hozumi Gouda, Yumiri Hanamori, and many others. Full support for touch screen operation! One-handed play is also possible! The game can be played not only in handheld mode with the Joy-Con attached, but also with the Joy-Con removed for enhanced portability. Furthermore, when in table mode or TV mode, the right Joy-Con ( R ) can be used for all operations, allowing one-handed play. The game is also compatible with Nintendo Switch Lite. ( CERO Age rating: 15 years old and up )

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

終のステラ [通常版] / ゲーム

空の向こうにいけば、人間になれる――。ビジュアルアーツのブランド「Key」が手がけたキネティックノベル『終のステラ』が待望のNintendo Switchに登場!シナリオには「Key」と『Rewrite』以来のタッグを組んだSFの名手「田中ロミオ」、ビジュアルにはスタイリッシュなデザインが光るイラストレーター「SWAV」を迎え制作されました。地球が人類の世界でなくなった遠い未来を舞台に、運び屋と少女型アンドロイドの旅が描かれます。■荒廃した世界を旅するSFビジュアルノベル:自律型AIの急速成長により、地上の支配権を機械群に奪われた未来。運び屋「ジュード」の元に、少女型アンドロイド「フィリア」の移送依頼が舞い込む。世間知らずなフィリアの行動に辟易としながらも、略奪者や殺人機械群が闊歩する危険地帯を通り抜け、依頼を果たそうとするジュード。人間になれる場所に行きたいと言うフィリア。その旅の果てに待つものは……■テキストは3言語対応! 音声は日本語のフルボイス!:テキストは、日本語、英語、中国語(簡体字)の3言語に対応しています(音声は日本語のみです)。環境設定とデジタルマニュアルも3言語に対応していて、「-ボタン」もしくは「2本指タップ」により、プレイ中いつでもすぐに表示言語の切り替えが可能です。キャラクターの音声は主人公を含む完全フルボイス。指出毬亜、木村良平、郷田ほづみ、花守ゆみり等の実力派声優陣が、珠玉の物語を臨場感たっぷりに盛り上げます。■タッチスクリーン操作フル対応! 片手プレイも可能!:Joy-Conを本体にセットした携帯モードはもちろんのこと、タッチスクリーン操作にフル対応しているためJoy-Conを外した本体のみの状態でもプレイでき、ポータビリティーが向上しています。さらに、テーブルモード、TVモード時は、右のJoy-Con(R)1つであらゆる操作が行えるため片手でのプレイも可能です。また、Nintendo Switch Liteにも対応しています。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 15歳以上対象】


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