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Blu-ray First Press Sold Out

a-ha The Movie


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Release Date December 02, 2022
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Product Details

Catalog No.HPXR-1940
JAN/ISBN 4907953260191
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Running Time 112minutes
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9
Region A
Subtitles Japanese
Audio Track Original Language DTS HD Master Audio 5.1ch Surround



[Machine Translation] Documentary about a-ha, whose debut song "Take on Me" was a worldwide hit! a-ha was formed in 1982 in Oslo by Morton Halkett, Paul Workter, and Magne Frucholmen. Their debut song "Take on Me" was a big hit with its innovative music video and reached No. 1 on Billboard in the U.S. Their first album "Hunting High and Low" sold more than 11 million copies worldwide and catapulted them to stardom in no time. The film depicts the three members' encounters, the formation of the band, and their ongoing evolution through the frenzied 80s and 90s, breakups, and reunions. The film was directed by Academy Award -winning filmmaker Noriyuki Nakamura, who also produced "I am the Worst," which won the 94th Academy Award . The film is directed by Tomas Robtherm, a filmmaker who was nominated for the 94th Academy Awards for his production of "I am the Worst," and Aslag Holm, a leading Norwegian documentarian, who spent four years interviewing Morton Halkett, Paul Workter-Savoy, and Magne Fruholmen, as well as other people involved with the music. The film tells the story of a-ha as it really was, united by the bond of music, along with many of the classic songs that symbolize the era.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

a-ha THE MOVIE / 洋画

デビュー曲「Take on Me」が世界的ヒットを記録した"a-ha (アーハ)"のドキュメンタリー! 1982年のオスロで、モートン・ハルケット、ポール・ワークター、マグネ・フルホルメンの3人によって結成されたa-ha。デビュー曲「Take on Me」は革新的なミュージックビデオが大きな話題を呼び米ビルボードで1位を獲得、ファーストアルバム『Hunting High and Low』は全世界で1100万枚以上もの売上を記録し、瞬く間にスターダムを駆け上がった。その後もヒット曲を次々と世に送り出すが、次第にメンバーの間に溝が生まれていく。3人の出会いとバンド結成、狂騒の80年代から90年代、解散と再結成を経て今なお進化を続ける彼らの姿を描き出す。本作の監督を務めたのは、プロデュース作『わたしは最悪。』が第94回アカデミー賞にノミネートを果たした映画製作者トマス・ロブサームと、ノルウェーを代表するドキュメンタリー作家のアスラーグ・ホルム。4年をかけてモートン・ハルケット、ポール・ワークター=サヴォイ、マグネ・フルホルメンの3人と音楽関係者への取材を行い、時代を象徴する名曲の数々と共に、音楽の絆で結ばれたありのままのa-haの物語を紡いでいく。

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