PlayStation 5 First Press Limited Edition External Bonus

Ryu ga Gotoku 8 (Like A Dragon/Yakuza) Gaiden Pirates in Hawaii [Majima Goro Complete Box]


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Release Date February 21, 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships by the release date
Only 3 initially supplied quantity left.
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First Press / External Bonus

First Press Detail DLC (2 kinds) (system requirements unknown)
External Bonus CDJapan exclusive bonus: a can badge (57mm)
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Product Details

Catalog No.HSN-156
JAN/ISBN 4974365838454
Product Type PlayStation 5

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


This edition includes: "Ryu ga Gotoku 8 Gaiden Pirates in Hawaii" game software, Goro Majima Crisis Junior, "Ryu ga Gotoku 8 Gaiden Pirates in Hawaii" acrylic art board (A4 size), Goro Majima's eye patch replica, 5 DLCs to receive in-game bonuses (system requirements unknown). CERO Age rating: 17 years old and up. [Machine Translation] Celebrating Goro Majima's 60th birthday / Life goes on... Goro Majima has lost his memory. A new legend begins when he sets out on the ocean. ......The new game depicts the world after "Ryu ga Gotoku 8" with Goro Majima as the main character. This time, the stage is an island and...the sea! The pirate ship "Goromaru" takes you on an adventure across the ocean! In addition to the exhilarating new battle action, there are still many challenging play spots. The game also features a fascinating new character played by a cast of splendid actors. Goro Majima, once feared as the most dangerous gangster, travels the ocean in search of lost memories and treasures: Six months have passed since his battle with Kiryu at the Millennium Tower. Six months after his battle with Kiryu at the Millennium Tower, Goro Majima is washed up on a deserted beach with the wreckage of his ship. Unable to remember even his own name, Majima sets off into the vast ocean with Noah, the island boy who saved his life, in search of clues to his lost memories. But it is a world where villains are at each other's throats over legendary treasures, and the world is at war. Gather your friends, customize your pirate ship, create the strongest pirate band, and set out for the open sea! When an enemy pirate ship finds your ship, a battle breaks out between the ships using cannons. Take damage to approach the enemy ship, board the ship directly, and defeat the enemy captain! Defeat powerful enemies, find treasure islands, and acquire treasures. In addition to the speedy "Mad Dog" style, the new "Pirate" style allows players to use a variety of pirate tools, such as cutlasses, to fight in two different styles of battle! Use the two styles according to the situation and your preference, and kick the crap out of your enemies! (Early Purchase Bonus) If you pre-order "Ryu ga Gotoku 8 Gaiden: Pirates in Hawaii", you will receive downloadable content (DLC) for use in the game as an early purchase bonus. DLC "Kasuga Ichiban Pirate Crew Set": This set adds popular series characters Kasuga Ichiban and Nancy to the Goro Pirates' crew. DLC "Kasuga Ichiban Coordination Set": This set allows the main character Majima to change into the costume of the popular character Kasuga Ichiban. The "Kasuga Ichiban Pirate Crew Set" can be received after the main character's pirate ship reinforcement event in the second chapter of the main story. The "Kasuga Ichiban Coordination Set" can be received after the coordination element release event in Chapter 2 of the main game. Specifications of the early purchase bonus are subject to change without notice. The early purchase bonus will end as soon as the quantity is gone. ( CERO Age rating: 17 years old and up )

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

龍が如く8外伝 Pirates in Hawaii [真島吾朗コンプリートボックス] / ゲーム

祝・真島吾朗還暦記念作品 / まだまだ人生は、続くでぇ――記憶を失った真島吾朗。彼が大海原に繰り出すとき、新たな伝説が始まる……真島吾朗を主人公とし『龍が如く8』の後の世界を描いた完全新作。今回の舞台は島、そして…海!! 海賊船「ゴロー丸」で大海原を冒険!爽快で新しいバトルアクションに加え、やり込み要素満載のプレイスポットも健在。豪華俳優陣が演じる魅力的な新キャラクターにも注目。■かつて最凶の極道と恐れられた真島吾朗が、失った記憶と財宝を求め大海原を巡る:ミレニアムタワーでの桐生との共闘から半年。真島吾朗は難破した船の残骸と共に、独り寂れた孤島の砂浜に打ち上げられていた。自分の名前すら思い出せない真島は、失った記憶の手がかりを求めて、命を救ってくれた島の少年・ノアとともに広大な海へと旅立つ。しかし、そこは伝説の財宝を巡って悪党どもがにらみ合う、一触即発の世界だった――■海賊船「ゴロー丸」で大海原を冒険:仲間を集めて海賊船をカスタマイズ。最強の海賊団を作り、大海原に繰り出そう!敵の海賊船に見つかると、大砲を使った船同士のバトルが勃発。ダメージを与えて敵船に近づき、船に直接乗り込んで敵船長を打ち倒せ!強敵を倒し、宝島を見つけ、財宝を手に入れよう。■2つのスタイルで戦う進化したバトルアクション:真島らしいスピード感のある「狂犬」スタイルに加え、カトラスなどの多彩な海賊道具を使いこなす「パイレーツ」スタイルが新たに登場!状況や好みに合わせて2つのスタイルを使いこなし、敵を蹴散らせ!【早期購入特典】『龍が如く8外伝 Pirates in Hawaii』をご予約いただくと、ゲーム内で使用できるダウンロードコンテンツ(DLC)が早期購入特典として付いてきます。●DLC「春日一番海賊クルーセット」:シリーズ人気キャラクターの春日一番、ナンシーちゃんがゴロー海賊団の船員に追加されるセットです。・船員「春日一番」・支援部隊「ナンシーちゃん」●DLC「春日一番コーディネートセット」:主人公の真島が、人気キャラクター春日一番の衣装に着替えることができるセットです。・春日一番なりきりセットアップ(龍が如く8)・春日一番なりきりセットアップ(龍が如く7)※「春日一番海賊クルーセット」は、本編二章における主人公の海賊船強化イベント後に受け取ることができます。※「春日一番コーディネートセット」は、本編二章のコーディネート要素解放イベント後に受け取ることができます。※早期購入特典の仕様は予告なく変更する場合がございます。※早期購入特典は数量がなくなり次第終了とさせていただきます。【真島吾朗コンプリートボックス同梱内容】・『龍が如く8外伝 Pirates in Hawaii』ゲームソフト本編・真島吾朗危機一発 ジュニア・『龍が如く8外伝 Pirates in Hawaii』アクリルアートボード(A4サイズ)・真島吾朗の眼帯レプリカ・DLC「デラックスアップグレード」プロダクトコード<「デラックスアップグレード」収録内容>・DLC「レジェンダリー海賊クルーパック」・DLC「レジェンダリーコーディネートパック」・DLC「ゴロー丸スペシャルカスタマイズパック」・DLC「カラオケ楽曲&BGM追加パック」【CERO年齢別レーティング: 17歳以上対象】

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