Pick Up Review
Fujin KaikoOnmyozaIncredible
This is part of a dual album release, every track on here is a 10 amazing album with no filler a must own.
Raijin SoseiOnmyozaGreat
This is part of a dual album release, just like everything they put out this is a masterpiece must own.
As always Onmyoza is incredible, the album flows from start to finish and every song is amazing a must own for sure.
VorvadosSYU (GALNERYUS)Amazing Solo Album
If you love Galneryus and Syu's playing then this is a must own, features a bunch of guest vocalist's from Fuki to Liv Moon.
BUCK-TICK Gensho -2023- [Limited Edition]BUCK-TICKespecial y emocional
conmovedor completamente, se pudo grabar la dificultad y sentimiento de los miembros de Buck Tick, la reaccion del publico se transmite con mucha fuerza
MERRY VERY BEST 20121130 Akasaka BLITZ Special 2night [Shiroi Hitsuji (White Sheep)]MERRYwow amazing
wow awesome live recording of merry. japanese bands always sound exactly like the record when playing live. a must buy
MERRY VERY BEST 20121130 Akasaka BLITZ Special 2night [Kuroi Hitsuji (Black Sheep)]MERRYawesome
always love the way merry write their riffs. this is an amazing recording of their live. a must buy for a merry fans
VorvadosSYU (GALNERYUS)A great CD
I think the album is excellent, it was a clear leap in what Syu wanted to do as a musician, the guest musicians are great although Fuki's voice is not to my liking. Ultimately my favorite songs are “Euphoria” and “Aishou”. It is very worth buying.
Lyrical Sympathy [Regular Edition]Versaillesawesome album
first released of versailles. definitely their best album. every band members is on point. a must buy for a fan.
Mass [CD+DVD] [Limited Edition BOX B]the GazettEExcellent
My album arrived in a perfect condition and the shipping was really fast. It's my second one but my previous album got lost during the move to a new place. And although I already had it before and I knew how it looks like, I was exited while opening the package anyways. I'm happy to have it in my collection again. I appreciate all the effort they're putting into their products, music and art. Even small details are well-thought-out. The fact that I decided to buy it again after losing mine album speaks for itself, I guess :)
Under World [Regular Edition]Merryawesome album
ive always love how merry write their guitar riff. awesome album. a must buy for merry fans. totally worth it
Live In New York & World Tour19 Documentary The Ninth [99.999]the GazettEPerfect
Fast shipping, well packed - the DVD came in a perfect condition. As for the DVD itself, the graphics is beautiful and I love the small references to NINTH on the picture. And I truly recommend to all fans watching this documentary.
Z-HARDJanne Da Arcawesome
one of their best album. still sound so raw, so indie, and so visual rock. a highly recomend for janne da arc fans
Fierce-EP [Regular Edition]lynch.Great as always
What I love about every lynch release is they always have this subtle evolution yet still stay original and not lose their identity and this follows that system to a T from the first track UN DEUX TROIS to the finale of REMAINS.
THE DAY IN QUESTION 2017 [Regular Edition]BUCK-TICKPerformance hermoso
Por mucho es uno de los mejores conciertos, todo es de buena calidad respecto al precio, si tienes oportunidad agregalo a tu coleccion
Hado Myoo [Regular Edition]OnmyozaIncredible band
Another perfect record, everything they release is always top notch, Kuroneko has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard and the musicianship is stellar. Highly recommended.
Hado SeibuOnmyozaWOW!
Sound quality picture quality and packaging are INCREDIBLE! this is one of the best live Blu-Ray's I've ever seen worth every penny. The band plays for nearly 3 HOURS! and they are perfect through the entire show, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!
Misemonogoya ga Kurete kara - Show After Dark - [Regular Edition]BUCK-TICKnueva faceta
Los arreglos que se realizaron a algunas canciones son exquisitos y el vestuario de mis favoritos, excelente dvd
Locus Solus no Kemono Tachi [Regular Edition]BUCK-TICKarticulo coleccionable
Es uno de los conciertos iconicos, es de los pocos en lo que hay una sesion acustica y eso se agradece
Live Blu-ray "TOUR 2023 Izora - IZORA - 0723 TOKYO GARDEN THEATER" [Regular Edition]BUCK-TICKWonderful Purchase
This was a great dvd to add to my growing collection. I loved the latest album, so I appreciate that there is a live version of all the songs. The price was reasonable considering my only other option was from some random ebay seller who wanted to charge 100$. My one regret is that this is the last concert dvd with the five of them.