Review by Leaf Reviews
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Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology Reload 2 (Dengeki Comics NEXT)Gimuru Imi / Spider LilyReload my LycoReco Anthology 2
I like this anthology on account of having some unique and excellent artwork. The stories are great and funny as usual. This is another excellent Lycoris Recoil anthology.
Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology Reload 3 (Dengeki Comics NEXT)SpiderLily, ImigimuruReload my LycoReco Anthology 3
Reload 3 has a nice smug cover art. I like the stories and characters as well. This anthology had a lot more characters in addition to Chisato and Takina get the spotlight which helps flesh out the world more. Overall, another excellent anthology.
Lycoris Recoil Heroine Archive Chisato & TakinaFebri Henshu BuHyping up Heroine Archive
This book is amazing. It has great artwork, large pages and insightful information about Lycoris Recoil. It is an excellent book for any Lycoris Recoil fan and I am glad I have it.
Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology Reload (Dengeki Comics NEXT)Gimuru Imi / Spider LilyReload my LycoReco Anthology 1
First, I really like this cover art of this Lycoris Anthology. It is smug, cute and great. In addition to that, I liked both the slice of life and serious stories, this anthology has. Again another excellent Lycoris Recoil Anthology.
Lycoris Recoil Recollect 1 (MFC)Kanari Abe / Spider LilyRecollecting my thoughts LR Recollect1
I like Lycoris Recoil and the anthology does a good job representing the series. The art is tight and great and the stories bring a smile to my face. This book is excellent.
Love Bullet 1 (MFC)ineeLoving the Bullet 1
I like the girls with gun genre and this manga is a great example of that genre. This upcoming author has great art. This book is excellent.
Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology Repeat 2 (MFC)Spider LilyRepeat 2 Review
Lycoris Recoil Official Anthology Repeat 2 is one of my favorite anthologies, having a gorgeous cover art and equally gorgeous stories. This book is an easy book to recommend.
Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology Repeat 3 (MFC)SpiderLily, Hisawaka HaruReview LR Repeat 3
Repeat 3, like all the other Lycoris Recoil anthologies are great. I like the cover arts, and all the stories. They’re funny and the characters always put a smile to my face. It is always great to see more stories in Lycoris Recoil series. I recommend this book for any Lycoris Recoil fan.
Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology ReactANIPLEXReacting to LycoReco Anthology React
I was looking to scratch my LycoReco itch, while waiting for season 2, and this anthology is full of content that did that. It was full the same slice-of-life warmth, that I liked in the anime expanded onto comic form. The characters were charming as is the art is great. I found this a great read and would recommended for any Lycoris Recoil fan.
Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology Repeat (MF Comics Alive Series)SpiderLilyReview LR Repeat
I like Lycoris Recoil anthologies as they do a great job expanding the lore of the world of Lycoris Recoil. Repeat does a great job of that in addition to having good colored cover art. I enjoyed how wholesome the stories are and recommend this anthology for any Lycoris Recoil fan.
Lycoris Recoil Recollect 2 (MFC)Kanari Abe / Spider LilyRecollecting my thoughts LR Recollect2
I’m always looking for more LycoReco stories while waiting for the sequel to the anime. Recollect 2 is a great addition to that bringing in more stories and nice art. Seeing Chisato and Takina enjoy their life in the world they are in brings me joy. I recommend this book for any Lycoris Recoil fan.