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CD Maxi

Kimi wo Motomete [Regular Edition / Type A]

Reon Niihama

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Release Date July 01, 2020
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Product Details

Catalog No.JBCK-4004
JAN/ISBN 4560109089482
Product Type CD
Number of Discs 1
Running Time 18minutes



[Machine Translation] The long-awaited second single by Leon Shinhama, a new star in the world of Japanese pop music, has landed with the new era of Japanese pop music! The song "Kimi wo Motomete" was written and arranged by Koji Makaino, who is known not only in the world of popular songs but also in the world of music for generations, and has delivered major hits in all genres. The gorgeous sound that overwhelms the audience from the introduction is provided by a gorgeous live performance by top musicians carefully selected by Mr. Koji Makaino himself. The song makes full use of Leon Shinhama's elongated and lustrous vocals. The song "Sawara no Machinami" was written, composed, and sound-produced by Daisuki Nagato, founder of the Being Group and a major hit maker. The lyrics are full of emotion, and the catchy sound of the song, which incorporates famous places in Shinhama's hometown of Chiba, is impressive with its many addictive phrases that you will not be able to forget once you hear the song. Included only on the standard disc A is a cover of Goro Noguchi's famous song "Shokutetsu Kaisen" (Along the Private Railroad). This song is a favorite of Leon Shinhama since he was a child, and is one of his fondest memories.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

君を求めて [通常盤 A] / 新浜レオン

新元号と共に舞い降りた歌謡界のニュースター 新浜レオン、待望のセカンドシングル! 「君を求めて」は、歌謡界のみならず世代を超えてあらゆるジャンルで大ヒットを世に送り出している馬飼野康二氏による作/編曲楽曲。イントロから圧倒される華やかなサウンドは、馬飼野康二氏自ら厳選した一流ミュージシャンによる豪華生演奏によるもの。新浜レオンの伸びやかで艶やかなボーカルが存分に活かされた一曲になっている。「佐原の町並み」は、ビーインググループ創業者であり大ヒットメーカー 長戸大幸氏が作詞/作曲/サウンドプロデュース。新浜の出身地千葉の名所を歌詞にも入れ込んだ、情感たっぷりの歌詞とキャッチーなサウンドが冴え渡るこの曲は、一度聴いたら忘れられなくなる中毒性のあるフレーズの数々が印象的で、心地よく何度でも聴きたくなる一曲。 通常盤Aのみに収録されるのは野口五郎の名曲「私鉄沿線」のカバー。新浜レオンが幼少期から大好きだという思い出の一曲。

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