Kamigakushi Kakurezato (Kadokawa Sofuia Bunko J 102-52 Yanagida Kunio Kessaku Sen)
Yanagida Kunio / [Cho] Otsuka Eiji / Hen
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Release Date | September 2014 |
Availability | In Stock at Supplier:Usually ships in 2-4 days |
Product Details
Catalog No. | NEOBK-1717662 |
JAN/ISBN | 9784044083236 |
Product Type | BOOK |
Label/Distributor | KADOKAWA |
Pages | 350 |
Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.
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Description in Japanese
神隠し・隠れ里 (角川ソフィア文庫 J102-52 柳田国男傑作選) / 柳田国男/〔著〕 大塚英志/編
Related Offer & Feature
1 |
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第1部 神隠しにあいやすき気質(遠野物語(抄)神隠し譚 六‐八、二八‐三五
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4 |
5 |
天狗松・神様松 ほか)
6 |
第2部 隠れ里の研究(遠野物語(抄)マヨイガ譚 六三‐六四、九〇‐九三
7 |
8 |
9 |
隠里 ほか)
10 |
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