Kikuchi Hina's 20th Anniversary Photobook: Title to be announced

Kikuchi Hina

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Release Date mid March 2025
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOBK-3058784
JAN/ISBN 9784065379851
Product Type BOOK

Books are basically written in Japanese except for bilingual books or ones indicated as not written only in Japanese.

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[Machine Translation] Hena Kikuchi, known as the "Sold-Out Queen of 2021", who is active as an actress, model, and gravure idol, has completed her "Royal Road Gravure" photo book with bikini shots, lingerie shots, and nude shots of her proud body! < (Points of Interest) Kikuchi, who caused a sensation in the gravure world as the "Sold-out Queen of 2023~2024," has chosen "Royal Road Gravure" as the theme for her third photo book. The locations were Australia in the southern hemisphere and Kikuchi's hometown of Ibaraki. The book features bikini shots on beautiful beaches and in refreshing pools, which are essential for "Royal Road to Gravure," as well as her first lingerie shots in bed. She also shows her 20 year old sexiness in this ambitious work, challenging herself for the first time with no bra shots, thong shots, and nude shots in the bathtub. ( Hena Kikuchi's comment ) [Impression of the location for the photo book] It was my first time in Australia! I chose Australia after worrying about where to shoot until the very last minute. The location was perfect for the theme of this project, with blue skies, beautiful seas and cityscapes! Among the various locations we were allowed to visit, the most memorable was a ranch. I was very moved by the mysteriousness of the grasslands in the morning! I also wanted to take pictures with animals this time, so I took pictures with my favorite dolphins. It was a precious experience to see dolphins up close and personal. [This is my 3rd photo book, which marks the turning point of my 20th year! I went into this photo shoot with the feeling of "I want to challenge myself because I am 20 years old" and "I want to deliver my matured image to you all". I hope you will enjoy seeing me grow up a little bit. [Thank you for your interest in my 3rd photo book. I have been working as a gravure photographer for about 5 years, and I have done various shoots with many concepts and themes during these 5 years. This time, I decided to go back to the basics and shoot under the theme of "Royal Roads. I put everything I have learned and cultivated in gravure shoots into this photo book, and it is filled with everything I have now. I hope you will enjoy it to the end. ( Hina Kikuchi Profile ) Hina Kikuchi was born on October 19, 2004, and is 20 years old. She was born in Ibaraki Prefecture. She won the "Miss Weekly Shonen Magazine" award at the "Miss Magazine 2020" pageant and began her gravure career in earnest. As an actress, she has appeared in a number of high-profile dramas, such as "Wing Man" and "(Guessing Child)".

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*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

菊地姫奈 20歳記念写真集 タイトル未定 / 菊地姫奈/著 Takeo Dec./写真

女優・モデル・グラビアアイドルとしてマルチに活動する"令和の完売クイーン"こと菊地姫奈が、ビキニショット、ランジェリーショット、ヌーディーショットで自慢のボディを魅せた「王道グラビア」写真集が完成!<【注目ポイント】 2023~2024年にかけて"令和の完売クイーン"としてグラビア界に大旋風を巻き起こした菊地が選んだ3rd写真集のテーマは、「王道グラビア」。ロケ地は、南半球・オーストラリアと菊地の故郷・茨城。「王道グラビア」には欠かせない、美しいビーチや爽やかなプールでのビキニショットはもちろん、自身初となるベッドでのランジェリーショットも必見。また、ノーブラショットやTバックショット、バスタブでのヌーディーショットにも初挑戦するなど、20歳らしい色気も表現した意欲作となっています。 【菊地姫奈 本人コメント】 [写真集ロケの感想] 初オーストラリアでした! ロケ地をどこにしようかギリギリまで悩んだ中で選んだオーストラリア。青空に綺麗な海や街並み、今回のテーマにピッタリなロケーションでした! 色々な場所に行かせて頂いた中で、一番心に残っているのが牧場です。草原が広がる朝の牧場は神秘的で凄く感動しました! また今回、動物と写真を撮りたいなと思い、大好きなイルカと写真を撮らせて頂きました。間近でイルカを見られた貴重な体験で楽しかったです! [写真集の見どころ] 今回、20歳の節目という3rd写真集です! 「20歳だからこそ挑戦したい」「成長した姿を皆さんに届けたい」――そんな気持ちで撮影に臨みました。ちょっぴり大人になった私を是非見て頂きたいです。 [読者へのメッセージ] 3rd写真集を気になってくださり、ありがとうございます。約5年間グラビアをさせて頂き、この5年間の中で沢山のコンセプトやテーマで色々な撮影をさせて頂きました。今回は、初心に戻る気持ちで「王道」をテーマに撮影しました。グラビアの撮影の場で、学んだ事や培った物を全力でぶつけた、今の私の全部を詰め込んだそんな写真集になっています。是非最後まで楽しんでください。 【菊地姫奈 プロフィール】 菊地姫奈(きくち・ひな) 2004年10月19日生まれの20歳。茨城県出身。『ミスマガジン2020』で『ミス週刊少年マガジン』を受賞しグラビア活動を本格化。2024年5月より女性誌『non-no』の専属モデルに就任。女優としてはドラマ『ウイングマン』や『【推しの子】』など話題作への出演を重ねている。

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