
Todaya Shoten Chusen Tenugui Towel 258 Rabbit in the moon

Todaya Shoten

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Release Date January 25, 2024
Availability Backorder:Usually ships in 1-2 weeks
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOGDS-721049
JAN/ISBN 4580496330936
Product Type Collectible
Label/DistributorTodaya Shoten
Material100 % cotton
Sizeabout 37 x 90cm


Todaya Shoten is a veteran hand towel store located in Nihonbashi and established in 1872. Its designs and colors are all original. While inheriting tradition, it values the spirit of "onkochishin," meaning to cherish existing knowledge and learn new knowledge, with its bold and novel designs and colors. Their special hand towels start from stencils, and the dyeing as well as the folding work that is the last step in the process are done almost entirely by human hands. They introduce hand towels with a deep flavor and a warmth from hand-dyeing that cannot be felt from machine production.

[Fabric] ... Bringing peace of mind with natural materials. The fabric of Rienzome is cotton that is gentle on the skin, unlike synthetic fiber. Cotton is sturdy, light, and highly absorbent, so it absorbs sweat and moisture well and dries swiftly. The more it is used, the better it feels, and the more it becomes accustomed to skin. The more it is washed, the more the dyed color becomes subdued, so the change in color is also something to enjoy. Also, Todaya Shoten's hand towel fabric is made with fabric weaved especially for Todaya Shoten by brand names called Niioka and Wakamatsu.

[Stencil] ... At Todaya Shoten, two chusen stencils are carved using either by craftsmen's hands or machines depending on which of two types of designs it is.

[Chusen] ... Todaya Shoten's hand towels are dyed at a chusen factory. Most of that manufacturing process is manually done by the hands of experienced craftsmen. Both sides of chusen hand towels are the front. In the aesthetic sense of Japanese people, who focus on parts that cannot be seen and the reverse side, it is desired that the side that is used is always the front. Thus, in Rienzome, at the stage of dyeing, chusen has been selected as the main technique, in which the dye is allowed to soak into the core of the fibers, from the top to the bottom of the cloth.

Currently, to commemorate the beginning of our carrying Todaya Shoten's product, we will add a traditional Japanese MIZUHIKI Ume-musubi to your order. MIZUHIKI is a traditional Japanese decorative cord that is attached to gifts. As plums overcome the harsh winter to let their flowers bloom, the ume-musubi also signifies a wish to improve one's fate. (Available in a limited quantity. Ends when stock runs out)

[258 Rabbit in the moon] Autumn is the season when the air is clear and the moon is at its most beautiful. On August 15 of the lunar calendar, the festival of the Fifteen Nights (Mid-Autumn Moon) is held to offer thanks for the harvest while admiring the moon.

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Description in Japanese

てぬぐい 258 月に兎 / 戸田屋商店

【日本製 老舗 戸田屋商店】注染 てぬぐい


戸田屋商店 梨園染の手ぬぐい 3つのこだわり

【生地】・・・天然素材の安心を。梨園染の生地は、化繊とは違う、素肌に優しい木綿です。木綿は丈夫で軽く、吸湿性に優れているので、汗や水分を程よく吸収し、すばやく乾きます。使うほどに風合いが増し、肌に馴染んできます。洗い込むほどに染め色が落ち着き、色の変化も楽しみの一つになります。ゆかたや他の商品にも、上質で他にはない生地にこだわっています。 梨園染の手ぬぐいでは「新岡」と「若松」というブランド名で特別に織った生地を使用しており、「新岡」が特岡(岡よりも上質)、「若松」が上総理(総理よりも上質)にあたります。どちらも一般的な特岡や総理に比べて生地巾が広く、打ち込み(寸間あたりの生地の本数)が多いので丈夫なことが特長です。

【型紙】・・・戸田屋商店では職人の手彫りと機械彫りの2種類をメインに注染の型紙を彫っています。機械彫りは近年できた技術で徐々に注文数が増えていますが、手彫り・機械彫りどちらにも特徴があり、柄によって使い分けています。手彫りは注染を熟知した職人が、染められたときに原画に近く再現されるよう、線の太さや点の大きさを刃の角度などを変えて細かな部分に配慮し、絶妙な加減で彫っていきます。 細川染(複数型)など難しい柄での構成も職人だからこそできる技です。機械彫りはデータ入稿なので複製が容易なこと、柄によっては手彫りより安価にできる、などのメリットがあります。

【伝統工芸 注染】・・・梨園染のゆかた、手ぬぐいは注染工場で染め上げられ、その製造工程のほとんどは、熟練の職人による手作業です。注染の手ぬぐいは、両面が表です。見えないところや裏側に凝る日本人の美意識では、使う側が常に表であることが望まれています。そのため、梨園染では、染色の段階で染料を布の上から下まで、繊維の芯まで染料を浸透させる注染をメイン技法に選んでいます。


[258 月に兎] 秋は空気が澄んで月が一番きれいに見える季節です。旧暦の8月15日には月を愛でながら秋の収穫物を供え、実りに感謝する十五夜(中秋の名月)の祭りがおこなわれます。

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