
Transformers Missing Link C-04 Cliff

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Release Date November 2024
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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOGDS-762290
JAN/ISBN 4904810934684
Product Type Collectible
Label/DistributorTakara Tomy
MaterialPainted, pre-assembled action figure
SizePackage Size (mm) 100 x 70 x 40


[Machine Translation] Lost Dreams Linked Through Time! The "Missing Link" series is a virtual reissue of "The Missing Link" that may have existed in that era. The fourth installment in the series features Cliff, who has a spirited personality. What if the original Cliff had been fully posable? The size, texture, and nostalgia of that time have been preserved in this completely new design! The size, deformation pattern, and basic construction using some die-cast alloys follow the first Cliff toy, while the articulation for posing and gimmicks depicted in the anime have been updated to create the ideal Cliff toy. Even the compact box-shaped packaging and Styrofoam tray are a thorough homage to the period, bringing back the excitement of opening Transformers products in the 80s, even more so than the reissued versions. Like Bumble, Cliff was a member of the "Minibot Army," a small group of Transformers that showed impressive performance in many episodes. While the product shares most of the same transformation system as Bumble, 80% of the body was designed exclusively for this figure to reproduce the detailed differences between Bumble and Cliff. The joints, which were limited in posing in the products of the time, have been changed to movable, allowing the figure to be freely posed. A newly sculpted photon rifle with plated specifications is included as a reproduction from the anime scene. In car mode, it can be stored inside. Also included is a newly sculpted plated bazooka gun, which was used in the first episode of the original anime to launch a surprise attack on the Destron army that was building a base. The well-known "secret emblem" is also attached to the robot's body, and when heated with a finger, the Legion mark appears. A foil sticker with the Cybertronian mark is included for the user to apply as desired. A joint hole for a stand (sold separately) has been added to the back of Cliff, allowing him to be displayed in an action pose. The package illustration is a new drawing based on an image of the time, and a collection card featuring the same illustration is also included. ( Height in robot mode: 76mm ) [Contents] Cliff ( 1 ) , Photon rifle ( 1 ) , Bazooka gun ( 1 ) , Collection card ( 1 ) , Sticker ( 1 ) , Instruction manual ( 1 )

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

トランスフォーマー ミッシングリンク C-04 クリフ

失われた夢が、時を超えてリンクする!あの時代に存在したかもしれない仮想復刻版「ミッシングリンク」シリーズ。その第4弾には血気盛んな性格のクリフが登場。もし初代クリフがフルポーザブル仕様だったら?をイメージして当時のサイズや質感、ノスタルジーもそのままに完全新規設計で商品化!サイズや変形パターン、一部ダイキャスト合金を使用した基本構成は初代クリフのトイを踏襲しながら、ポージングのための関節可動やアニメで描かれたギミックをアップデートした理想のクリフのトイが登場。コンパクトな箱型のパッケージや発泡スチロールのトレイに至るまで徹底した当時風オマージュを行い、復刻版以上に80年代当時にトランスフォーマー商品を開封したときの感動が蘇ります。バンブル同様、小型のトランスフォーマー「ミニボット軍団」に属し数々のエピソードを通して印象的な活躍を見せたクリフ。商品はバンブルとほぼ共通の変形システムを持ちながらも、バンブルとの細かな違いを再現するために本体の約80%を専用設計しています。当時の商品ではポージングが限定されていた各関節を可動式に変更し、自由にポージングを付けることが可能です。アニメシーンからの再現としてメッキ仕様の新規造形の光子ライフルが付属。カーモードでは内部に収納することができます。また初代アニメ1話で基地を建造中のデストロン軍団に奇襲攻撃を仕掛けた際に使用したメッキ仕様のバズーカ砲も新規造形で付属。ロボット本体にはおなじみ「シークレットエンブレム」も貼付、指で温めると軍団マークが現れます。ユーザーがお好みで貼れるサイバトロンマークのホイルシールが付属。クリフ背面には別売りのスタンド用ジョイント穴を追加し、アクションポーズで飾ることが可能。パッケージイラストは当時をイメージした新規描き起こしで、同イラストをあしらったコレクションカードも付属します。(ロボットモードの全高:76mm)[セット内容]クリフ本体(1), 光子ライフル(1), バズーカ砲(1), コレクションカード(1), シール(1), 取扱説明書(1)

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