
PRISMA WING Piapro Characters Kagamine Rin Art by lack

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Release Date December 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships in 1-4 days after it is released

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Product Details

Catalog No.NEOGDS-852117
JAN/ISBN 4582647120755
Product Type Collectible
Label/DistributorPrime 1 Studio
MaterialPVC,ABS Painted, pre-assembled figure
SizeH: 21cm x W: 13cm x D: 11cm (1/7 Scale)



[Machine Translation] PRISMA WING" is a figure product by Prime1 Studio, which focuses on all aspects of figure modeling, coloring, and design. Rin is leaning against a massive speaker and looking at you with innocent eyes. The cyberpunk style of the illustration gives Rin a sweet, ennui-like atmosphere. Her blonde bobbed hair with a large ribbon is painted with an awareness of her unique thick paint job. The coloring is layered in several layers to express her characteristic lightness and three-dimensionality. Her sparkling eyes and puffy gams, which express her energetic character, have also been carefully created. The winter coordinate with the white sneakers is made by Prime1 Studio's apparel brand "WEAREVERWiz". The one-piece dress with lettering of Lynn and Len, and the chic scarf with simple lines. The figure of "Kagamine Rin" has been sculpted with Mr. Lack's brushstrokes. Please display her alongside the previously released Miku Hatsune and Luka Megurine, as well as the upcoming Pierpro Characters! (Accessories) Special base

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

PRISMA WING ピアプロキャラクターズ 鏡音リン Art by lack

プライム1スタジオがお届けする、造形・彩色・デザイン全てにこだわったフィギュアプロダクト「PRISMA WING」イラストレーターlack氏による完全描き下ろしイラストから、「鏡音リン」をフィギュア化!重厚なスピーカーに寄りかかり、あどけない眼差しを向けるリン。サイバーパンク調の1枚から、甘く、アンニュイな雰囲気のリンをカタチにした1体です。大きなリボンを着けたブロンドボブヘアは、独特の厚塗りを意識して彩色。幾層にも色を重ね、特徴的な軽さと立体感を表現しています。また彼女の元気なキャラクターを表す、キラキラ輝く瞳やぷっくり膨らむガムも丁寧に作り込みました。白スニーカーと合わせた冬コーデは、プライム1スタジオのアパレルブランド「WEAREVERWiz」。リンやレンのレタリングが映えるワンピース、シンプルなラインがシックなマフラー。どちらもこだわりの仕上がりです。lack氏の筆づかいでフィギュア化した「鏡音リン」。先にリリースされた初音ミクと巡音ルカ、また今後登場予定のピアプロキャラクターズと並べてあげてくださいね!【付属品】特製ベース

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