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Nintendo Switch Limited Edition External Bonus

Suran digit for Nintendo Switch [Special Edition]


(9350yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date June 05, 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships by the release date
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First Press / External Bonus

External Bonus CDJapan exclusive A5-sized clear folder / Pre-order bonus: sleeve case
bonus image sample 1

Product Details

Catalog No.SDNS-25146
JAN/ISBN 4995857098767
Product Type Nintendo Switch
Label/DistributorIdea Factory

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Contents of Special Edition] Bonus booklet: Includes key visuals, package illustrations, illustrations released on SNS, character introductions, short stories, etc. / Reissued CD with two audio dramas. [Machine Translation] When ten numbers come together, the mark will lead you to the land of war... ( story ) The Soyogi private school. This school is home to the sons and daughters of nine famous families, known as "suke," and they are highly respected within the school. They had a secret, and there was a certain battle that only they could fight in this school. The ranks of the several families and the head of the several families (Soyogi) were regularly decided by this battle from long ago. However, it was believed that this battle could never be fought again because one number was missing. However, the condition of the battle was fulfilled when suddenly a number appeared in front of them (a number that should not exist). ...... - When Ten Numbers Gather, the Mark Shows and Leads to the Land of War - Name: Kouka Zerozaki. Her name is Kouka Rezaki, and she is the one who announces the beginning and the end. ( Casts ) / Mitsu Nito CV: Koutaro Nishiyama / Ousuke Ichizono CV: Koji Yusa / Yuhi Shikata CV: Tatsuo Suzuki / Keitaro Shichihara CV: Tomoaki Maeno / Takaki Rokuhira CV: Kazuyuki Okitsu / Meguru Kuori CV: Naru Morita (CERO Age rating: 15 years old and up)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

数乱digit for Nintendo Switch [特装版] / ゲーム

十の数字が集いし時、刻印は示し導く戦ぎの地へ――【物語】私立梵(そよぎ)学園。この学園には数家(すうけ)と呼ばれる九つの名家の子息・息女が在籍しており、学園内では一目置かれる存在だった。彼らには秘密があり、この学園で彼らにしか行えないある戦いがあった。それは【数乱戦(すうらんせん)】と呼ばれるもので、数家の中にある序列及び数家を統べる頭首【梵(そよぎ)】はこの戦いによって遠い昔から定期的に決められていた。ただこの戦いは、一つの数字が欠けたことによってもう二度と行うことはできないとされてきた。しかし、突如彼らの前に現れた【存在するはずのない数字】により、数乱戦の条件は満たされることに……―十の数字が集いし時、刻印は示し導く戦ぎの地へ―名は零崎 紘可。彼女は始まりと終わりを告げる者。【キャスト】●弐藤 光(にとう みつ)CV.西山 宏太朗●壱園 央助(いちぞの おうすけ)CV.遊佐 浩二●肆形 有比(しかた ゆうひ)CV.鈴木 達央●漆原 景太郎(しちはら けいたろう)CV.前野 智昭●陸平 崇樹(ろくひら たかき)CV.興津 和幸●玖折 巡(くおり めぐる)CV.森田 成一【特装版同梱内容】●特典小冊子:本作のキービジュアルやパッケージイラスト、SNSで公開されたイラストをはじめ、キャラクター紹介や書きおろしショートストーリー等を収録。●復刻ドラマCD:2016年に発売された『数乱digit』の限定版特典ドラマCD「数乱六兄弟の家族会議 ―零崎さんちのお嬢さんと結婚するのは俺だ!―」と予約特典ドラマCD「立ち入り禁止!?男だらけの秘密の女子会」を再録。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 15歳以上対象】

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