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Nintendo Switch Limited Edition External Bonus

Sokoku no Kusabi - Hiiro no Kakera Tamayorihime Kitan - for Nintendo Switch [Special Edition]


(9900yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date May 15, 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships by the release date
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First Press / External Bonus

External Bonus CDJapan exclusive large picture (20.3 x 30.5cm) / Pre-order bonus: sleeve case
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Product Details

Catalog No.SMHN-25150
JAN/ISBN 4995857098699
Product Type Nintendo Switch
Label/DistributorIdea Factory

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Contents of Special Edition] Booklet containing illustrations, character profiles, and a newly written short story from the series "Sokoku no Kusabi" / Reissue of the drama CD "Sokoku no Kusabi Hiiro no Kakera 3" released in 2008 [Machine Translation] A mirror that reflects two worlds A wedge of fate that connects two people / What is "Hiki no Shards": This series is set in a village where a sword called "Onikanmaru" has been sealed and managed since ancient times. It is a romance adventure game. Aokuro no wedge" is now available on Nintendo Switch: "Aokuro no wedge: Hiki no shards 3", which depicts the story after "Hiki no shards", is now available on Nintendo Switch! This title also allows you to play the fan disc "Aoboku no wedge Hiki no Shards 3: The Gateway to Tomorrow". The sad love story spun while fighting new threats is a must-see for "Hiki no Shards" fans! The excitement of the original "Hiki no Kakeru 3" is still there, but you can enjoy the game with more comfortable operation. Complete coverage of additional systems and scenarios from the past: The game includes the additional systems of "Aoboku no wedge Hiki no Shards 3" released in 2008 and "Aoboku no wedge Hiki no Shards 3 Portable" released in 2010, as well as the additional scenarios from "Aoboku no wedge Hiki no Shards 3 DS" released in 2011! You can enjoy the game to the fullest from the very beginning. (One year has passed since "Onizamaru" was sealed. Summer has come to Kisei Village, and Tamaki Kasuga, the successor to "Tamayorihime," and her "guardians" are living a peaceful life. However, these days did not last long, and without warning, the village of Kihon, where they lived, was attacked by a strange phenomenon. In an instant, the village became uninhabitable except for those related to Jade Yori, and they were unable to leave the village. As Tamaki and the others investigate this strange phenomenon, they discover that a certain mirror is involved. It is a chain of fate that was thought to have disappeared with the sealing of Onikanmaru. Some challenge the "end of the world" to protect their loved ones, some to survive, and some to take revenge. Various organizations, people, and thoughts intersect, and Tamaki and the others throw themselves into the battle to prevent the "end of the world. What is justice, what is truly to be protected, and what decision will Tamaki make with her loved ones? [Half a year has passed since the battle that prevented "The End of the World". After the incident involving Kagami is resolved, peaceful days are once again coming to Kifuku Village. In the meantime, with the help of Yuichi, Taku, and Shinji, Tamaki, Takuma, Masahiro, and Ryo have successfully passed the entrance exam to university. The graduation ceremony is the only thing left to do for the rest of their school life. That meant ...... that Shuki would have to leave Kifun Village. Each of them has been freed from the wedge of fate, and now it is time for graduation--. ( Cast ) / Takuma Onizaki CV : Tomokazu Sugita / Mahiro Atori CV : Kosuke Okano / Yuichi Komura CV : Daisuke Namikawa / Suguru Ohmi CV : Daisuke Hirakawa / Shinji Inukai CV : Hiroki Shimowada / Ryo Kutani CV : Kazunori Nomiya / Kether CV : Wataru Hatano / Rin CV : Tsubasa Dainaga (CERO Age rating: 12 years old and up)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

蒼黒の楔 ~緋色の欠片 玉依姫奇譚~ for Nintendo Switch [特装版] / ゲーム

二つの世界を映し出す鏡 二人を繋ぎ止める宿命の楔 ■『緋色の欠片』とは:本シリーズは古より「鬼斬丸」という刀を封印・管理する村を舞台に、「玉依姫」として刀を封印するという使命を受け継いだ少女と、玉依姫を護る「守護者」と呼ばれる少年達との運命と恋愛模様を描いた、恋愛アドベンチャーゲームです。■『蒼黒の楔 』がNintendo Switchに登場:『緋色の欠片』のその後を描いた『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3』がNintendo Switchに登場!更にこの1本でファンディスクである『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3 明日への扉』もプレイ可能です。新たな脅威と戦う中で紡がれる切ない恋模様は、『緋色の欠片』ファン必見!当時の感動はそのままに、より快適な操作でお楽しみいただけます。■過去追加システムやシナリオを完全網羅:2008年に発売された『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3』はもちろん、2010年に発売された『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3 ポータブル』の追加システム、更には2011年に発売された『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3 DS』の追加シナリオも全て収録!ゲーム開始時より存分にお楽しみいただけます。【ゲームストーリー】<本編>『鬼斬丸』の封印から1年――。季封村には夏が訪れ、『玉依姫』を継ぐ春日珠紀と『守護者』たちは平和な日々を過ごしていた。しかし、そんな日々が長く続くことはなく、彼らが住む季封村は前触れもないまま異変に襲われた。一瞬にして玉依の関係者を除いて無人となり、村からも出られなくなってしまう。珠紀たちがこの異変を調べるなかで、ある【鏡】が関わることがわかってくる。それは鬼斬丸の封印で消え去ったと思われた宿命の鎖だった。ある者は大切な者を守るため、ある者は生き残るため、ある者は復讐のために『世界の終わり』に挑む。様々な組織や人物、思惑が交差しあい、珠紀たちも『世界の終わり』を防ぐ戦いに身を投じることになる。何を正義とするのか、本当に守るものはなんなのか、そして珠紀が大切な人と共に下す決断とは――。<明日への扉(ファンディスク)>『世界の終わり』を防いだ戦いから半年。鏡の関わる事件が解決したのち、季封村には再び平和な日々が訪れていた。そんななか、祐一や卓、慎司の協力で無事に大学合格を果たした珠紀や拓磨、真弘、遼の4名。あとは卒業式を残すのみとなった学校生活。それは……珠紀が季封村を離れることを意味していた。運命の楔から解き放たれたそれぞれの想い、そして、今、卒業のとき――。【キャスト】●鬼崎 拓磨(おにざき たくま/Takuma Onizaki)CV:杉田 智和●鴉取 真弘(あとり まひろ/Mahiro Atori)CV:岡野 浩介●狐邑 祐一(こむら ゆういち/Yuichi Komura)CV:浪川 大輔●大蛇 卓(おおみ すぐる/Suguru Ohmi)CV:平川 大輔●犬戒 慎司(いぬかい しんじ/Shinji Inukai)CV:下和田 ヒロキ●狗谷 遼(くたに りょう/Ryo Kutani)CV:野宮 一範●ケテル(Kether)CV:羽多野 渉●凛(りん/Rin)CV:代永 翼【特装版同梱内容】●特典小冊子:「蒼黒の楔」シリーズのイラストやキャラクタープロフィール、新規書きおろしショートストーリーを収録した小冊子です。●『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3』復刻ドラマCD:2008年に発売された『蒼黒の楔 緋色の欠片3』限定版特典のドラマCDを復刻。【CERO年齢別レーティング: 12歳以上対象】

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