All packages sent from abroad to the following countries by the specified shipping methods, requires a TAX ID in order to ensure safe delivery.
You can add your TAX ID when entering your shipping address.
If you have received an email from us asking for the TAX ID, please add your TAX ID and send us an email once you are done. Please note that we cannot ship out your order without the TAX IDs for these countries, so if we see no actions from you, your order will be cancelled after a week.
If the package was sent out a lack of TAX IDs in your address, it may cause a delay or a return. In this case, we cannot reimburse the shipping charge what you paid.
Federal Tax Code (RFC)
If you do not have an RFC, please enter your CURP number.
If you do not have either of these numbers, please enter your country's TAX ID.
[RFC] Tax ID for Mexico
[RFC]Clave en el Registro Federal de Contribuyentes/ Federal Taxpayer Registry Code
[CURP]Clave Unica de Registro de Poblacion / Mexico Unique Population Registry Code
Brazil via Correios requires the number of CPF or CNPJ.
[CPF] Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (individual registry equivalent to Tax ID)
[CNPJ] Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Juridicas (entity registry equivalent to Tax ID)
Ppackages sent to Argentina by FedEx is required to indicate a CUIT or CUIL number. The customs office needs at lease one of these.
[CUIT] Clave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria
[CUIL] Codigo Unico de Identificacion Laboral
All packages sent to Indonesia from abroad by Indonesia via Postal service requires a NPWP.
[NPWP] Nomor Pokok Wajib PajakJ