Swing Girls (English Subtitles) Standard Edition

Japanese Movie

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Release Date March 25, 2005
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Product Details

Catalog No.TDV-15162D
JAN/ISBN 4988104032355
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Color Color
Running Time 108minutes
Original Release Year 2004
Data Format DVD Video
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 LB Vista
Region 2
Subtitles English Japanese
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1ch Surround
Japanese DTS 5.1ch Surround


DVD release of "Swing Girls," the movie from the same director of "Water Boys." The story focusis on teenage girls devoting themselves to Jazz world. Standard edition includes main-feature disc only.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: teaser(s), trailer(s), TV commercial(s), Girls & A Boy character bios (still)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

スウィングガールズ スタンダード・エディション / 邦画

「ウォーターボーイズ」矢口史靖監督が贈る大ヒット青春エンタテインメント! 2004年9月全国東宝系公開作品「スウィングガールズ」がいよいよDVDで登場!! この作品の最大の見所は、スウィングガールズ本人たちによる演奏の数々。「A列車で行こう」「ムーンライトセレナーデ」「シング・シング・シング」といった往年のスタンダードジャズが全篇を彩る。また脇を固める顔ぶれも豪華! 「ウォーターボーイズ」にも出演の竹中直人、谷啓をはじめ白石美帆、小日向文世、渡辺えり子という個性派揃い!! 本編ディスクのみのスタンダード・エディション。

Related Offer & Feature


    スウィングガールズ スタンダード・エディション

    Customer Reviews

    You can earn rewards points for writing a review.
    Swing Girls my favorite japanes movie 5

    I have many Japanese movies of all sorts but this movie i recommended to the Seattle library and they bought it so i stand by my selection as my favorite movie.I would give a ratingof 100 stars but their or only five.

    1 people found this helpful
    JAZZ and High School Girls!! 4

    I found this movie to be very appealing, especially since I love Jazz. I'm glad the directior (same as WATER BOYS) decided to go the route of some real music. I think everybody in this movie did a great job. I found the movie to be comical and good on story. I recommend this film to those who look for something different in music and story.

    1 people found this helpful
    This is FUN!!! 5

    "Swing Girls" is an exhilarating comedy, with great, funny moments and you can just feel good while you watch it. And the feel-good effect will last for some hours afterwards, that's for sure! The actors are excellent. Actually all the musical pieces in the film have been performed by themselves, and not dubbed at all, which is just very impressive. They have been taking music lessons for several months beforehand at the Yamaha Music School - whose headquarters appear in the film - since not many of them knew how to play an instrument (in real life). I think it's just brilliant how talented they are. The DVD is a little gem, packed with extras, everything superbly produced, masterly directed and beautifully acted. In one word: perfect.

    1 people found this helpful

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