The Uchoten Hotel (English Subtitles) Standard Edition

Japanese Movie

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Release Date August 11, 2006
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Product Details

Catalog No.TDV-16174D
JAN/ISBN 4988104034793
Product Type DVD
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Color Color
Running Time 136minutes
Original Release Year 2005
Encoding MPEG-2
Layers single-sided/dual-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 LB Vista
Region 2
Subtitles English Japanese
Audio Track Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1ch Surround


New film from Koki Mitani ("Warai no Daigaku") tells the story of a wacky cast of characters in one hotel. A long-separated husband (Koji Yakusho) and wife (Mieko Harada) reunite with a clash on New Years Eve. Meanwhile, the hotel bellboy (Shingo Katori) has given up on his dream of becoming a singer and decided to return home when he meets an old friedn and current flight attendant (Kumiko Asou). Meanwhile, the former mistress (Takako Matsu) of a Japanese Diet member (Koichi Sato) holes up as a maid in the hotel to avoid the eyes of the public after the scandal breaks . . . meanwhile the Diet Member who is trying to evade the pending news that he's involved with the mob also sneaks into the hotel where he meets a call girl (Ryoko Shinohara). Featuring an all-star cast, a proven director, and some of the most hilarious situation comedy you've seen in years, "The Uchoten Hotel" is not to be missed. Includes English subtitles.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: Theatrical trailers, TV spots, and more.

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

THE有頂天ホテル スタンダード・エディション / 邦画

三谷幸喜監督・脚本による新作映画『THE 有頂天ホテル』がDVD化!! 大晦日の夜にばったり再会するかつての夫(役所広司)と妻(原田美枝子)。歌手デビューの夢を諦め、田舎へ帰る決心をしたベルボーイ(香取慎吾)の前に現れた、幼馴染のフライトアテンダント(麻生久美子)。国会議員(佐藤浩市)のかつての愛人(松たか子)は、スキャンダル発覚後、世間の目から逃れて客室係に。そこへ汚職事件に連座してマスコミに追われた議員が逃げ込んでくる。さらに人生に見切りをつけた議員は、コールガール(篠原涼子)と出会い・・・。 空前のオールスターキャスト! 三谷幸喜が贈る、極上のノンストップエンターテイメント!
特報、予告編、テレビCM集、劇場オフ電CM、音声解説(三谷幸喜 きき手 高島彩)

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      Customer Reviews

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      The Uchoten Hotel (English Subtitles) 5

      The movie has multiple story lines that will eventually connect as the movie moves along. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. The parts, for me, that steals the movie are the duck scenes and the bellboy trying to make-up to his girlfriend for wearing her underwear. Not to mention a Hotel Manager misunderstanding the word "stag(e) manager" when meeting his ex-wife. All in all there are a lot of scenes in this movie that really do not need translation. A great movie to watch over and over again.

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      New Year's Eve Mayhem!! 5

      This movie follows the lives of a group of people who work at a hotel on New Year's Eve. Things turn chaotic as it gets closer to midnight and each of the employees have to struggle with the hotel's and their own problems. I thought it was a very funny movie. I especially liked the way the story was told as there was a LOT going on. The director and cast did a great job. With some nifty camera work, some of the scenes lasted over 4 minutes without cutting, which I thought was very impressive.

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