Playstation Portable

Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd [PSP]


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Release Date July 29, 2010
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Product Details

Catalog No.ULJM-5681
JAN/ISBN 4974365900533
Product Type Playstation Portable

This game is region free, but it is a Japan version. Please make sure that your set up is compatible with it before placing your order!


[Machine Translation] Starring "Miku Hatsune" The new sensation rhythm game has evolved even further and is coming back again! The rhythm game has evolved! The sense of unity has been further enhanced! The simple rule of pressing the buttons in time with the song or songs has been maintained, but the gameplay has been enhanced in the second version! The "long press" function, which allows players to gain a bonus by holding down a button for a certain period of time, and the "simultaneous press" function, which allows players to press buttons and direction keys together, have been added to further enhance the "press it like singing" sensation that was so popular in the previous version of the game. The more you listen to the songs, the more fun the game becomes! Graphics and interface have evolved! The 2nd version allows 2 characters to perform at the same time! Two characters can sing and dance to duets, which was not possible in the previous version. Of course, the visuals themselves have also been powered up! The well-crafted stages and beautiful screen effects will liven up your play. The edit mode operation screen has also been completely redesigned, making it possible to work on various tasks while checking the screen image, greatly increasing efficiency. In addition, the new edit mode is loaded with new functions that allow you to edit with more advanced effects! The volume and playability have also evolved! The main theme is a newly written song by ryo ( supercell )! The rhythm game includes 30 new songs, including songs that are popular on image submission websites! More than a dozen songs from the previous game are also included, with completely redesigned music scores. Many new module converts have also been added to the popular module conversion! New modules for Rin/Len Kagamine and Luka Megurine have been added, bringing the total number of new modules to approximately 100. The number of editable materials has also doubled compared to the previous version, making the volume of the game more substantial. [Players: 1 player] (CERO Age rating: To be determined)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

初音ミク -Project DIVA- 2nd [PSP] / ゲーム

「初音ミク」主演 新感覚リズムゲームがさらに進化を遂げ再び降臨! ■リズムゲームが進化! 一体感がさらにパワーアップ!: 曲や歌に合わせてボタンを押すシンプルなルールはそのままに、2ndではゲーム性がパワーアップ! ボタンを一定時間押し続けることでボーナスが獲得できる「長押し」、ボタンと方向キーをセットで操作する「同時押し」が加わり、前作で好評だった「歌うように押す」感覚がさらにアップ。歌を聴き込むほどゲームが楽しくなっていくゲーム性を実現! ■グラフィックやインターフェイスが進化!: 2ndでは2体のキャラクターが同時にパフォーマンス可能! 前作では実現できなかったデュエット曲も2人で歌い踊る。もちろん、映像自体もパワーアップ! 作りこまれたステージ、美麗な画面エフェクトがプレイを盛り上げる。エディットモードの操作画面も一新し、画面イメージを確認しながらの各種作業が可能となり、効率が大幅にアップ。さらに新機能を満載し、より高度な演出を用いたエディットができる! ■ボリュームも遊びごたえも進化!: メインテーマは、ryo(supercell)の書き下ろし曲! リズムゲームでは投稿画像サイトでも人気の曲を中心に、新曲含め30曲を新規収録! 前作楽曲も、譜面を一新した上で十数曲収録している。大好評のモジュールコンバートも新作を多数追加! 鏡音リン・レン、巡音ルカにも新たにモジュールを用意し、新作とトータルで約100種類を実現。エディット素材も前作比で2倍となり、充実のボリューム感となっている。 [プレイ人数: 1人] 【CERO年齢別レーティング: 審査予定】

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