Nagaoka CD P-Case Covers (30-Sheet Set) Customer Reviews

Audio Accessory

Nagaoka CD P-Case Covers (30-Sheet set) 5

Very good covers but without seals. Very very strong. I recommend these to others as well definetily.

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Essential Protection 5

If you want to keep your CD Jewel cases nice, clean and scratch free then the Nagaoka CD P-Case covers are the essential protection for your investment.

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para cds digipack 5

perefectos para los cds en edicion digipack, que no seon muy anchos la bolsa es de material grueso dandole una escelente presentacion al cd

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excellent design concept amazing quality 5

Let me explain for those who maybe a low hanging fruit. These plastic case was design to prevent the folding fiasco of sticky glue and folding not staying in position. I have used the folding design and its a disaster. So the inventors very smart people came up with a slip in slip out design without the folding flap "ingenious". The plastic is much thicker so it has the ability to stay strong and wont tear easily. I am sorry for those who did not understand what they were purchasing but for those of us with a collection of Japan made cd with OBI this a must have SLIP IN SLIP OUT nice.

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Great Thing 5

Great packaging for collection discs. It is a bag sealed on three sides. When you install the Jewel-Box inside, air comes out of the rectangular cutouts in the lower part and the packaging takes the form of a Jewel-Box. All Jewel Boxes look like new. Conveniently, there is no valve - easy to get a CD. The size for a standard Jevel-Box or Digipak is just perfect. Before you buy - carefully see the description. Everything is painted on the packaging. No need to try to insert a CD here without a box.

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Nagaoka CD P-Case Covers (30-Sheer Set) 1

I'm very disappointed of quality Nagaoka CD P-Case Covers. These covers scratched P-Cases! Not to recommend!

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Nagaoka CD P-Case Covers (blue bag) 3

I must have ordered the wrong sleeves, but this particular sleeve is not meant for slim or standard cases, and there isn't a flap to seal the sleeve. Maybe this is intended for just the disc? The plastic is of a high quality, though.

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Nagaoka CD P-Case Covers (30-Sheet Set) 5

Very necessary and useful goods. Quality excellent, constantly I buy My disks are reliably protected and are not scratched. I shall buy still, thanks.

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