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Blu-ray External Bonus

BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita

Japanese TV Series

(9680yen Tax incl. in Japan)
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Release Date March 19, 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships by the release date
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First Press / External Bonus

External Bonus five photos
bonus image sample 1

Product Details

Catalog No.VPXX-75193
JAN/ISBN 4988021751933
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 1
Color Color
Running Time 193minutes
Layers single-sided/single-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9
Region free
Subtitles Japanese Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired
Audio Track Japanese Linear PCM 2ch Stereo


The first drama based on the popular manga "BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita" comes out on Blu-ray! Yuichiro Akafuji, a popular handsome actor who won the "Next Breakthrough Actor" award, and Hajime Aoyanagi, a humble actor who had his big break as a child actor in an orange juice commercial but is not so popular now. The two are to play the lead roles in a live-action adaptation of a popular BL manga. However, when filming begins and Aoyanagi tries to talk to Akafuji between takes, Akafuji coldly tells him to "stay out of sight, please" and for some reason, he is indifferent... One day, Yayoi, a producer, jokingly suggested that they try living together as in the drama. However, Aoyanagi, who is determined to make the drama a success, seriously offers to live together if it will help him prepare for hisrole and promote the drama...! Akafuji and Aoyanagi start living together, but Aoyanagi finds it hard to cope with Akafuji's attitude. Akafuji, on the other hand, is feeling even worse - he is a real geek who likes Aoyanagi too much! He tries his best to hide it, but inside he is on the verge of a stroke just by being around Aoyanagi. Then something happens that far exceeds Akafuji's capacity as a "Hajime Aoyanagi Geek"... The two are gradually getting closer to each other in their exciting life together - and Akafuji, who can't stop the heat from rising, proposes to Aoyanagi that they practice a kissing scene. Visual booklet enclosed (subject to change).
Special Feature / Bonus Track: making-of and more (subject to change)

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

BLドラマの主演になりました / TVドラマ

純度100%の"キュン"で彩る恋愛ドラマ『BLドラマの主演になりました』大人気漫画を初のドラマ化!! 阿部顕嵐×阿久津仁愛 W主演でおくる美しすぎる男子たちのピュアすぎる同棲ラブコメディーが誕生! ――ネクストブレイク俳優第1位に輝く人気イケメン俳優・赤藤優一郎 (阿部顕嵐)と、かつて子役の頃にオレンジジュースのCMでブレイクしたが、今はパッとしない地味系俳優・青柳萌 (阿久津仁愛)が、人気BL漫画の実写化でW主演を務めることに。ところが、いざ撮影が始まって青柳が撮影合間に話しかけても、赤藤は「視界に入らないでください」と冷たく言い放ち、なぜか素っ気ない態度で・・・。そんなある日、プロデューサーの弥生 (入山法子)が、ドラマの設定と同様に同棲生活をしてみては? と冗談で話していたところ、作品を成功させたいと強く思う青柳は、役作りと宣伝のためになるならと本気で同棲したいと申し出て・・・! 赤藤と青柳は一緒の生活をスタートさせるが、相変わらずの赤藤の態度に青柳はしんどさを感じる。一方の赤藤も実はそれ以上にしんどさを感じていた――なんと、赤藤は青柳のことが好きすぎるガチのオタクだったのだ! それを必死に隠しているが、内心は青柳が近くにいるだけで卒倒寸前! そんな中、"青柳萌ガチオタ" 赤藤のキャパシティをはるかに超える出来事が起こってしまい・・・!? ドキドキの同棲生活の中で、徐々に距離を近づけていく2人――さらにヒートアップが止まらなくなる赤藤は、あることをきっかけに青柳にキスシーンの練習を提案して・・・!? ビジュアルブックレット封入 (予定)。
映像特典: メイキング集 ほか (予定)

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