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Seven [4K ULTRA HD & Blu-ray Set]


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Release Date March 05, 2025
Availability Pre-order:Usually ships in 1-4 days after it is released
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Product Details

Catalog No.WHV-1000842766
JAN/ISBN 4548967481044
Product Type Blu-ray
TV Standard NTSC
Number of Discs 2
Color Color
Running Time 254minutes
Original Release Year 1995
Layers single-sided/single-layered
Aspect Ratio(s) 16:9 Scope
Region A
Subtitles Japanese
Audio Track English DTS HD Master Audio 5.1ch


[Machine Translation] Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the production of "Seven"! The shocking ending, still talked about today, has been revived in the highest quality in 4KUHD! Director David Fincher has paid special attention to the highest quality. This 4K restored version, restored from the original camera negative under the supervision of director David Fincher, follows two detectives (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) as they pursue a clever and wily serial killer. The man targets people who fall under one of the seven deadly sins and repeatedly commits horrific murders. Gwyneth Paltrow co-stars in this masterful thriller set in a gloomy, rain-drenched city where pain and despair are rampant. David Fincher ("Fight Club," "Zodiac," "Benjamin Button: A Strange Life"), a man who knows the essence of fear, unleashes a physical, mental, and spiritual action film. The film ends with an astonishing climax that will eat away at the viewer's heart. Includes 4 gorgeous dubbing sources! Japanese ( 1997 DVD version ) ( Stereo ) / Japanese ( 1998 TV broadcast version ) ( Mono ) / Japanese ( 1999 TV broadcast version ) ( Mono ) / Japanese ( 2001 TV broadcast version ) ( Mono ) ( Mills [Brad Pitt] ( Yasunori Matsumoto / Yuji Maji / Kenyu Horiuchi / Tomoyuki Morikawa ) / Somerset [ Morgan Freeman] ( Yoshisada Sakaguchi / Masaru Ikeda / Ryo Kurosawa / Enyuki Katsube ) / Tracy [Gwyneth Paltrow] ( Eiko Kanazawa / Yurika Hino / Atsuko Tanaka / Fumiko Osaka ) / John Doe [Kevin Spacey] ( Nachi Nozawa / Shinji Ogawa / Ben Isobe / Hideyuki Tanaka ) *The Blu-ray disc has already been released as The Blu-ray disc is the same as the previously released "Seven (Blu-ray)". *Ultra HD Blu-ray player is necessary to play this Ultra HD Blu-ray disc. Please note that it will not play on regular Blu-ray player. For optimal viewing experience of 4K UltraHD content, 4K/HDR TV is recommended, although it is also compatible with 4K TV and HV TV. [About 4K UltraHD] 4K UHD boasts high resolution of 3840 pixels x 2160 lines (8.3 megapixels, aspect ratio 16:9), which is twice the horizontal and vertical resolution compared to the 1080p HDTV format, with four times as many pixels overall.
Special Feature / Bonus Track: bonus video footage

Translate Description

*As it is a machine translation, the result may not provide an accurate description. Please use it only as a reference. *Not available within the China mainland region.

Description in Japanese

セブン [4K ULTRA HD&ブルーレイセット] / 洋画

『セブン』製作30周年記念! ブラッド・ピット主演 × デビッド・フィンチャー監督 今なお語り継がれる衝撃のラスト―サイコスリラーの傑作が、4KUHDの最高クオリティでよみがえる! デビッド・フィンチャー監督が、こだわり抜いた最高クオリティ。今回の4Kレストア版は、デビッド・フィンチャー監督の監修のもと、オリジナルのカメラネガから修復された。2人の刑事(ブラッド・ピット、モーガン・フリーマン)が追うのは、怜悧な頭脳を持つしたたかな連続殺人鬼。男は七つの大罪のいずれかに該当する者を狙い、おぞましい殺人を繰り返していた。苦痛と絶望が蔓延した、雨のそぼ降る陰鬱な街を舞台に展開される傑作スリラーに、グウィネス・パルトロウも共演。恐怖の本質を知り抜いたデビッド・フィンチャー(『ファイト・クラブ』、『ゾディアック』、『ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生』)が放つ、肉体と精神と魂のアクション。そして最後には観る者の心を食い破る、驚愕のクライマックスが待つ。豪華吹替4音源を収録! 日本語(1997年DVD版)(ステレオ)/日本語(1998年TV放送版)(モノラル)/日本語(1999年TV放送版)(モノラル)/日本語(2001年TV放送版)(モノラル) 〈ミルズ [ブラッド・ピット] (松本保典/真地勇志/堀内賢雄/森川智之) / サマセット [モーガン・フリーマン] (坂口芳貞/池田勝/黒沢良/勝部演之) / トレーシー [グウィネス・パルトロウ] (金沢映子/日野由利加/田中敦子/大坂史子) / ジョン・ドゥ [ケビン・スペイシー] (野沢那智/小川真司/磯部勉/田中秀幸)〉※ブルーレイの本編ディスクは既発売「セブン【Blu-ray】」と同じです。

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