If you need to change the shipping address for an open order, add the new address to your address list and contact us by email to reflect the changes.
In "Your account information" go to "Billing/Shipping Address Information" and select "View Details." Then "Add New Shipping Address."
- Be careful NOT to update your billing address instead of shipping address!
- Sending an order to a different country may result in a significant change in your shipping charge.
- We do not accept requests to change the shipping address for orders that have already shipped out.
Customer Support (info@cdjapan.co.jp)
ATTENTION: In case of you want to be delivered in Japan, you will be charged of National 10% VAT.
Please DO NOT modify your original address of your account!
Go to "Your account information" in "Billing/Shipping Address Information" and select "View Details."
Then "Add New Shipping Address" and on the top right side "click on the Japanese Address Form."
Sending to a hotel during your visit to Japan
If you would like to ship to a hotel in Japan during your stay, please first contact our customer support informing the catalog number of the items you wish to purchase as well as your scheduled check-in date.
We can only allow to ship to your hotel in Japan if the item is likely to be delivered to your hotel during your stay so please check with us first. Once we confirm that we can safely deliver your item on time, please check the following details.
- Check with your hotel receptionist if they will accept packages on behalf of their customers.
- If they can, let us know your booking reservation number so we can include that in your shipping address.