Why is my package not shipped out?

Common reasons are...

Not Released Yet

  • an item in your order is not released yet. Please sign into your account to check if all items you purchased are already released.

Not Fufilled Yet

  • all items have not been fulfilled by our supplier yet.

Many of our products are not in stock. They are on "Backorder". Back order means that once we receive your order, we will order the item to our supplier. On every product page, we state the estimated period to obtain the product from our supplier in the "Availability" section. If it is still within the indicated time frame, it means that we are waiting for our supplier to deliver the product.

Most of our suppliers will not give us any response to our inquires on the estimated arrival date. So we set the availability period based on a calculation using our past fulfillment record. Therefore the availability period that we show on our website is the most accurate information that we have.

Say if your product says "Availability/ Backorder:Usually ships in 1-3 weeks". Even if you contact us on week 2 asking for an update, we will not be able to give you an answer on when the product will arrive other than it is estimated to arrive in 3 weeks as that is the most accurate information that we will have.

If the product does not arrive by week 4, we will have to assume that the product is no longer obtainable and will cancel and refund you for the product.

Why is my package in the shipping process for a couple of days?

*While we will try our best sometimes when there are too many packages to be shipped out on that day, we can not ship out all packages at once. In such case your package may be in the shipping process for a couple of days. If you notice that your package has been in the shipping process for more than 3 days, we might want to check up with your package so let us know your order number here: info@cdjapan.co.jp