Calculate shipping charges for any item or combination of items using the Shipping Charge Calculator.


How to Use Shipping Charge Calculator

For one item:
1.Under Add to Cart button in product page, you can see Shipping Charge Calculator. 2.Select your country under Shipping Charge Calculator and click on Calculate button. 3.All shipping methods, prices, average delay will be displayed.

For several items :
1.Add items to shopping cart
2.Select your country under Shipping Charge Calculator
3.Click on the Calculate button

How Shipping Charges are Determined

Post Office, FedEx and DHL determine shipping costs based on how much packages weigh based on the standard unit weight of items.

On each product page, the standard unit weight for the specific type of the item is listed, to indicate how the shipping charge for the item is to be determined. Please note that it does not represent the actual weight of the item, because it is not possible to obtain actual weights of items individually as record companies, publishers, and manufactures usually do not have such information available.

"Item Weight" and "Packaging Weight" (box and bubble wrap) = Order Weight

For items that are listed as "BOOK" the actual weight varies too widely, depending on various factors including but not limited to the size, number of pages, and the quality of paper. It also varies widely, depending on types of publication, such as manga, magazine, novels, photography, and so on. Therefore, the standard weight for "BOOK" is subdivided as detailed in the table below.

Publication Type Standard Unit Weight
Magazines 800-1200g
Manga 300-400g
Novels 250-400g
Photobooks 800-1200g

Dimensional Weight (Volume Weight Fee)

DHL, FedEx International Priority, Priority(Pak), and FICP charges a volume weight fee affected by the amount of space that it occupies, rather than the actual weight. If the dimensional weight is heavier than the actual weight of your package, your order will be applicable for the dimensional/volume weight fee. In this case, we will contact you by email in the shipping process informing about the additional charges.

Package Weight

In addition to item weights, package weights also need to be considered, to approximate how Post Office, FedEx and DHL determine shipping costs. For each item, our site calculates the package weight corresponding to its type and quantity. The package weight per item varies between 30-100g.

Shipping Charge Updates

When your order enters the shipping process, we weigh your package to reflect the actual shipping charges. Even if the actual shipping charge is greater than your current shipping charge , we will bear the additional costs. However, if the difference turns out to be too great, we need to additionally charge you for the actual shipping charge. In such case, we will email you for your approval before shipping. You may approve or cancel your order. However if your order includes a proxy item, you will not have the option to cancel.